Hi ,
Like below ,
Sourcetype =Fire
Name | OS | Compare_Version | Compare_Agent Installed | sysid |
ABC11 | windows | 10.1 | 2.2 | qweq |
Sourcetype =Compare
Name | OS | Fire_Version | Fire_Agent Installed | sysid |
After doing ,
index=A sourcetype IN (Compare,Fire)
| stats values(*) as * by sysid
| mvexpand Name
| stats values(*) as * by Name
Since the sourcetype =Compare has empty row for particular sysid or Name , i am not getting exact output.Its null ,so i need to fill null value="" in the sourcetype which has no rows and the same is required for other scenario too(when sourcetype=Fire has no data and sourcetype =Compare has data).
Please let me know a search which accomodates this too .
| fillnull value=""
Thank you !!
Is there a way to do something like this ,
index=A sourcetype IN (Compare|fillnull value="",Fire)|fillnull value=""
index=A sourcetype IN (Compare,Fire|fillnull value="")|fillnull value=""
I have no idea what these two searches are trying to achieve, however, do you mean something like this
index=A (sourcetype=Compare AND value="") OR sourcetype=Fire|fillnull value=""
I am using below query,
index=A sourcetype IN (Compare,Fire)| fillnull value="" | search ITAM_Name="*SWZWZQ0001*" OR ITAM_Name="*SADAPP0002*" OR ITAM_Name="*SALINU0016*" OR ITAM_Name="*SGGRNP1002*"
| stats values(*) as * by ITAM_sysid
|eval Status=if(F_Agent_Version ="" AND C_Agent_Version ="","Not Covered","Covered")
| table sourcetype ITAM_sysid ITAM_Name F_Agent_Version C_Agent_Version Status
sourcetype | ITAM_sysid | ITAM Name | Fire Agent Version | Compare Agent Version | Status |
Compare Fire | 0003fb | SALINU0016 | 32.30. | 6.3 | Not Covered |
Compare Fire | 003fcb | SGGRNP1002 | 29.7 | Not Covered | |
Fire | 0d456 | SADAPP0002 | 32.3 | Covered | |
Compare | 0d526 | SWZWZQ0001 | Not Covered |
Due to the null's in the first and second rows (SALINU0016,SGGRNP1002) for Agent_version and Compare Agent Version , i am getting "Not covered" instead of covered.Please let me know ,how to get rid of nulls and make the status Covered .