I found this solution to my problem:
| stats delim=":" list(XYZ) as XYZ BY CRITERIA
| rex mode=sed field=XYZ "s/:/\n/g"
This gives you the results on new lines in the table emailed from splunk.
Thanks..I figured out the solution 🙂
I found this solution to my problem:
| stats delim=":" list(XYZ) as XYZ BY CRITERIA
| rex mode=sed field=XYZ "s/:/\n/g"
This gives you the results on new lines in the table emailed from splunk.
Glad you found a solution @adityainamdar89 🙂 Be sure to accept your answer (clicking on the check mark to the left of this answer) so other users with similar issues will look to this post for help. You also get some karma points too!
You can for example set delim=";"
and your values will be separated by a semicolon... however, I haven't gotten a newline to work.