I have a report
index IN (proxy) src_ip=* |eventstats sum(sbimb) as Totalsbimb, sum(sbomb) as Totalsbomb by src_ip
| search (sbimb > 300) OR (sbomb > 20) OR (Totalsbimb > 500) OR (Totalsbomb > 10)
| sort -sbomb
Tried top but can only get one or the other and I need to pass dest,totalsbomb and totalsbimb with the top event.
I keep finding ways to get one but not the other. I am tring to get a table with src_ip, dest, sbimb(for dest) sbomb (for dest) totalsbomb and totalsbimb for src_ip .
query takes too long to run twice with append.
You need to describe what you are trying to get, maybe some mockup. What is the output of
| top sbimb sbomb by src_ip
and how does it differ from your expected output?
I get when I add |top limit=2 sbimb sbomb dest by src_ip - they are not the top, tried without dest but same
if I sort by sbomb I see event I want, same with sbomb I see the sbomb event greatest for src_IP
I want out bound per IP with top inbound per IP with top
If you want top 2 by src_ip, the command to use is
|top 2 sbimb sbomb dest by src_ip
Can you show the result? limit=2 is to limit total output to two rows.
I vaguely get what you wanted from the last screen; I assume that's a mockup, is this correct? When you post output from the above command, could you elaborate the difference between output and your mockup more?
i get top 2 sbimb, I want top sbimb and sbomb per src_ip. It is working with stats. thanks
did with stats max(field) by src_ip,dest and values for other fields