thank you in advance for your feedback.
I would like to sort the date so that my graph is coherent, can you please help me?
| tstats summariesonly=t allow_old_summaries=t count from datamodel=Authentication.Authentication where [| inputlookup ****.csv | eval host=Machine | table host ] AND NOT Authentication.src_user="*$" AND NOT Authentication.src_user="unknown" by host,Authentication.src,Authentication.src_user,_time
| eval host=upper(host)
| eval Serveur='Authentication.src'
| eval **** = upper(trim(('Authentication.src_user')))
| eval samaccountname=substr(trim(upper('Authentication.src_user')),1,7)
| eval domaine="****"
| lookup **** samaccountname as samaccountname domaine as domaine
| search email="*"
| eval **** = samaccountname
| table ****, ****, host, email,ua,cn,_time,cn
| join host type=left [| inputlookup *****.csv | eval host=Machine]
| where Ferme="****" OR Ferme="****" OR Ferme="*****" OR Ferme="*****" OR Ferme="****"
| stats values(Ferme) as Ferme values(_time) as _time by *****,cn
| eval Date=strptime(_time,"%d/%m/%Y")
| sort Date
| eval Date=strftime(_time,"%d/%m/%Y")
| stats count as "nb. de connexion par jour" by Ferme,Date
Hi @numeroinconnu12 ,
to sort a date you have to transform them in epochtime, so, to sort your search:
| tstats summariesonly=t allow_old_summaries=t count from datamodel=Authentication.Authentication where [| inputlookup ****.csv | eval host=Machine | table host ] AND NOT Authentication.src_user="*$" AND NOT Authentication.src_user="unknown" by host,Authentication.src,Authentication.src_user,_time
| eval host=upper(host)
| eval Serveur='Authentication.src'
| eval **** = upper(trim(('Authentication.src_user')))
| eval samaccountname=substr(trim(upper('Authentication.src_user')),1,7)
| eval domaine="****"
| lookup **** samaccountname as samaccountname domaine as domaine
| search email="*"
| eval **** = samaccountname
| table ****, ****, host, email,ua,cn,_time,cn
| join host type=left [| inputlookup *****.csv | eval host=Machine]
| where Ferme="****" OR Ferme="****" OR Ferme="*****" OR Ferme="*****" OR Ferme="****"
| stats values(Ferme) as Ferme values(_time) as _time by *****,cn
| stats count as "nb. de connexion par jour" by Ferme,Date
| eval epochDate=strptime(Date,"%d/%m/%Y")
| sort epochDate
| fields - epochDate
in addition, it's unuseful to sort before a stats command.
it's work, thank you @gcusello 🙂
You did well to convert the Date field to epoch form before sorting. However, the stats command spoiled that work by re-sorting by the ferme field. Where the ferme field has repeated values, they are sorted lexicographically by Date.
I believe you can resolve the problem by putting the strftime call after the final stats.
Hi @numeroinconnu12 ,
to sort a date you have to transform them in epochtime, so, to sort your search:
| tstats summariesonly=t allow_old_summaries=t count from datamodel=Authentication.Authentication where [| inputlookup ****.csv | eval host=Machine | table host ] AND NOT Authentication.src_user="*$" AND NOT Authentication.src_user="unknown" by host,Authentication.src,Authentication.src_user,_time
| eval host=upper(host)
| eval Serveur='Authentication.src'
| eval **** = upper(trim(('Authentication.src_user')))
| eval samaccountname=substr(trim(upper('Authentication.src_user')),1,7)
| eval domaine="****"
| lookup **** samaccountname as samaccountname domaine as domaine
| search email="*"
| eval **** = samaccountname
| table ****, ****, host, email,ua,cn,_time,cn
| join host type=left [| inputlookup *****.csv | eval host=Machine]
| where Ferme="****" OR Ferme="****" OR Ferme="*****" OR Ferme="*****" OR Ferme="****"
| stats values(Ferme) as Ferme values(_time) as _time by *****,cn
| stats count as "nb. de connexion par jour" by Ferme,Date
| eval epochDate=strptime(Date,"%d/%m/%Y")
| sort epochDate
| fields - epochDate
in addition, it's unuseful to sort before a stats command.
Hi @numeroinconnu12 ,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the contributors 😉