How would I go about subtracting EndTime from BeginTime?
Try this run anywhere search:
|makeresults|eval EndTime="2/14/2018 9:28:19", BeginTime="2/6/2018 14:53:45"|eval EndTime=strptime(EndTime,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"), BeginTime=strptime(BeginTime,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")|eval days=round((EndTime-BeginTime)/86400)
hello there,
try this:
... your search ...
|eval end_time_epoch = strptime(EndTime, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
|eval begin_time_epoch = strptime(BeginTime, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
| eval duration = end_time_epoch - begin_time_epoch
hope it helps
How would I make the epoch time human readable? Results to display in a manner such as, 8d 15 hrs 20 minutes?
try this at the end of your query:
| eval "duration_Days+HHMMSS" = tostring(duration, "duration")
Try this run anywhere search:
|makeresults|eval EndTime="2/14/2018 9:28:19", BeginTime="2/6/2018 14:53:45"|eval EndTime=strptime(EndTime,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"), BeginTime=strptime(BeginTime,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")|eval days=round((EndTime-BeginTime)/86400)
how would you go about getting results in minutes?
to get results in min divide the difference(in sec.) by 60
...|eval minutes=round((EndTime-BeginTime)/60)
if you want duration in day
and min
then try this run anywhere search:
|makeresults|eval EndTime="2/14/2018 9:28:19", BeginTime="2/6/2018 14:53:45"|eval EndTime=strptime(EndTime,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"), BeginTime=strptime(BeginTime,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")| eval stringSecs = tostring((EndTime-BeginTime), "duration")| eval stringSecss = replace(stringSecs,"(\d+)\+(\d+)\:(\d+)\:.*","\1d \2h \3min ")
thank you!
Glad to help you:) Please accept the answer as well.