Not sure where I should be going but, I am all for raw data going into fields, enhanced etc...
I am looking at our raw data and there is a field called ID=XXXXXX
which is the field I am interested in, there is also another occurrence of ID= XXXXX YYYYY
in the event which I am not interested in.
Both are showing up in my searches, NAME=MX001
and the second one ID=MX001 YYYYY
I have tried Eval substr(ID,1,6) to no avail, any help would be appreciated,
P.S. could this have been taken care of during original extraction??
Thanks Ahead
Let me try to show examples:
1) id=jim,addr=12 main st,phone=825-585-9865
2) id=tom,addr=45 maple,phone=528-777-9685,id=tom second
I am using a simple table:
table id addr phone
jim 12 main st 825-585-9865
tom 45 maple 528-777-9685
tom second
(the line above is the problem)
I guess what I am trying to do is a report using the first occurrence of a field within an event.
Some events have multiple fields some don't.
I looked at stats first(xx), but it returned first occurrence of first event only.
It should be a matter of adding | search ID!="XXXXX *"
to your query. If you share the existing query we can be more specific.
Correction: both fields are ID, both are automatically extracted and exist in one event.
Sorry for type
Could you clarify a couple of things?
-Both fields are automatically extracted and they both exist in your index?
-One is called NAME and the other one ID?
-You only have use for NAME but not for ID??