|eval TotalApps=if(match('Total',"NTB"),"1","0")
|eval In-Progress=if('Total'="NTB" AND isnull('APPL_SUB-DATE'),"1","0")
|eval Submitted=if('Total'="NTB" AND isnotnull('APPL_SUB-DATE'),"1","0")
|eval My-InfoUsed=if('Total'="NTB" AND isnotnull('APPL_SUB-DATE') AND isnotnull('MY-INF0-CONCUR-FLAG'),"1","0")
|stats sum(TotalApps) as "Total Apps" sum(In-Progress) as "In Progress" sum(Submitted) as "Apps Submitted" sum(My-InfoUsed) as "My InfoUsed" by Mon-Year
|transpose Column_name="Category"
getting results as
Category row1
Mon-Year Jan-2023
Total Apps 06
In Progress 06
Apps Submitted 0
My InfoUsed 0
But requirement is ,
Mon-Year Category Total
Jan-2023 TotalApps 06
In Progress 06
Apps Submitted 0
My InfoUsed 0
|stats sum(TotalApps) as "Total Apps" sum(In-Progress) as "In Progress" sum(Submitted) as "Apps Submitted" sum(My-InfoUsed) as "My InfoUsed" by Mon-Year
| untable Mon-Year Category Total
For your query, getting results like below:
Mon-Year Category Total
Dec-2022 Total Apps 215
Dec-2022 In-Progress 200
Dec-2022 Submitted 152,""
To merge the Mon-Year in Single filed as it contains same value, tried these two options but not getting correct count, kindly help
|stats sum(TotalApps) as "Total Apps" sum(In-Progress) as "In Progress" sum(Submitted) as "Apps Submitted" sum(My-InfoUsed) as "My InfoUsed" by Mon-Year
| untable Mon-Year Category Total
|stats values(Category) as Category1 values(Total) as Total1 by Mon-Year
For above query, Mon-Year is merged but count is not correct
Also tried below options
|stats sum(TotalApps) as "Total Apps" sum(In-Progress) as "In Progress" sum(Submitted) as "Apps Submitted" sum(My-InfoUsed) as "My InfoUsed" by Mon-Year
| untable Mon-Year Category Total
eval Category='Category' + ";" + 'Total'
|stats values(Category) as Category2 by Mon-Year
|eval Category1=split(Category2,";")
above query is not splitting. Kindly help to merge the same Date value in Single field.
Values() puts the unique values in lexicographical order, try using list()
|stats list(Category) as Category1 list(Total) as Total1 by Mon-Year
Getting expected results now, thanks much
It's working fine and many thanks for your help