Hi, This is my first time starting a discussion. Please pardon my mistakes. So I am trying to perform a search where I can sort based on a series of numbers occurring at the end of a text.
index=abc sourcetype=xyz Entity=HI* Text="*Rejected message received - code 456"
index=abc sourcetype=xyz Entity=HI* Text="*Rejected message received - code 789"
index=abc sourcetype=xyz Entity=HI* Text="*Rejected message received - code 345"
So I would like to sort count by the 3 digit code number. Is it possible to do it?
Hi @Siva04,
in this case, you have to extract the code field using a regex and use it for sorting, something like this:
index=abc sourcetype=xyz Entity=HI* (Text="*Rejected message received - code 456" OR Text="*Rejected message received - code 789" OR Text="*Rejected message received - code 345")
| rex field=Text "code\s+(?<code>\d+)$"
| stats values(code) AS code count by Text
| sort code
I am trying to say that I want to sort it by the code that differs with every text.
Text="*Rejected message received - code 456"
The * before the "Rejected message received " has a 6 digit number and when I do
|stats count by Text
it gives me the count based on the 6 digit number but instead I want it to give me count based on the code at the end of the Text. Since the code is not a field itself I am not able to do
|stats count by code
Hi @Siva04,
in this case, you have to extract the code field using a regex and use it for sorting, something like this:
index=abc sourcetype=xyz Entity=HI* (Text="*Rejected message received - code 456" OR Text="*Rejected message received - code 789" OR Text="*Rejected message received - code 345")
| rex field=Text "code\s+(?<code>\d+)$"
| stats values(code) AS code count by Text
| sort code
Thank you it worked
Hi @Siva04,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉
Hi @Siva04,
sorry but your question isn't clear: if in a search you have one of the searches you shared all the values have the same Text, so it isn't possible to sort them.
Are the three searches in the same main search related by on "OR"?
If this is your situation,. you can use the "sort" command:
index=abc sourcetype=xyz Entity=HI* (Text="*Rejected message received - code 456" OR Text="*Rejected message received - code 789" OR Text="*Rejected message received - code 345")
| sort Text
as you san see at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Sort