I have the following code that shows leases that end in June.
| inputlookup Leases.csv
| rename "Lease End" as leaseEnd
| eval timestamp=strptime(leaseEnd, "%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Day=strftime(timestamp,"%d"), Month=strftime(timestamp,"%m"), Year=strftime(timestamp,"%Y")
| where Year = 2020 AND Month = 6
The requirement is to update the query to return leases ending by quarter i.e. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 2020 and display in a bar chart by quarter.
How can I do that? I don't know how to aggregate the data by quarter.
| inputlookup Leases.csv
| rename "Lease End" as leaseEnd
| eval timestamp=strptime(leaseEnd, "%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Day=strftime(timestamp,"%d"), Month=strftime(timestamp,"%m"), Year=strftime(timestamp,"%Y")
| eval Quater=ceil(tonumber(Month)/3)."Q"
| where Year="2020"
| stats max(timestamp) as timestamp by Quater
| convert ctime(timestamp)
but Bar Chart
Bar should be numeric. not string or text.
| inputlookup Leases.csv
| rename "Lease End" as leaseEnd
| eval timestamp=strptime(leaseEnd, "%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Day=strftime(timestamp,"%d"), Month=strftime(timestamp,"%m"), Year=strftime(timestamp,"%Y")
| eval Quater=ceil(tonumber(Month)/3)."Q"
| where Year="2020"
| stats max(timestamp) as timestamp by Quater
| convert ctime(timestamp)
but Bar Chart
Bar should be numeric. not string or text.
This is great - | eval Quater=ceil(tonumber(Month)/3)."Q"
Thank you @to4kawa and I ended up with -
| inputlookup Leases.csv
| rename "Lease End" as leaseEnd
| eval timestamp=strptime(leaseEnd, "%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Day=strftime(timestamp,"%d"), Month=strftime(timestamp,"%m"), Year=strftime(timestamp,"%Y")
| eval Quarter=ceil(tonumber(Month)/3)."Q"
| eval nn = Year + " " + Quarter
| stats count by nn
I see, Happy Splunking!