I Have a table-1
with tracking IDs ex: 123, 456, 789
and the other query which returns a table-2
with tracking ID's ex: 456, 789
Now, I need a query which gives me a table-3
with the values which are not present in table-2
when compared with the table -1
. I tried something like this.
source=service1.log earliest=-4h latest=now() | rex field=_raw "trackingId\":\s\"(?[\w-]+)\"" | table ProducerTrackingID | search NOT [search source=service2.log earliest=-4h latest=now() | rex field=_raw "trackingId\":\s\"(?[\w-]+)\"" | table ConsumerTrackingID]
Can you please explain me the query. And Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi @raj_mpl,
Could you please try below splunk "set" command.
| set diff [<first-query>] [<second-query>]
Here is one small example.
| set diff [| makeresults | eval ID="10" | append [| makeresults | eval ID="15"] | table ID] [| makeresults | eval ID="10" | table ID]
See my answers here for background:
Start with this to create 2 fields with your data:
index=YouShouldAlwaysSpecifyAnIndex AND (source=service1.log OR source=service2.log) earliest=-4h latest=now()
| rex field=_raw "trackingId\":\s\"(?<trackingId>[\w-]+)\""
| eval ProducerTrackingID = if(source=="service1.log, trackingId, null())
| eval ConsumerTrackingID = if(source=="service1.log, null() trackingId)
| stats values(*TrackingID) AS *TrackingID
For run anywhere, try this:
| makeresults
| eval ProducerTrackingID="123 456 789", ConsumerTrackingID="456 789"
| makemv ProducerTrackingID
| makemv ConsumerTrackingID
Then you can EITHER do this:
| streamstats count AS _serial
| multireport
[| mvexpand ProducerTrackingID
| where ConsumerTrackingID!=ProducerTrackingID
| rename ProducerTrackingID AS ProducerTrackingID_only]
[| mvexpand ConsumerTrackingID
| where ConsumerTrackingID!=ProducerTrackingID
| rename ConsumerTrackingID AS ConsumerTrackingID_only]
| stats values(*) AS * BY _serial
OR this:
| nomv ConsumerTrackingID
| nomv ProducerTrackingID
| rex field=ConsumerTrackingID mode=sed "s/[\r\n\s]+/;/g"
| rex field=ProducerTrackingID mode=sed "s/[\r\n\s]+/;/g"
| eval setdiff = split(replace(replace(replace(replace(mvjoin(mvsort(mvappend(split(replace(ConsumerTrackingID, "(;|$)", "#1;"), ";"), split(replace(ProducerTrackingID, "(;|$)", "#0;"), ";"))), ";"), ";(\w+)#0\;\1#1", ""), ";\w+#1", ""), "#0", ""), ";(?!\w)|^;", ""), ";")
Hi @raj_mpl,
Could you please try below splunk "set" command.
| set diff [<first-query>] [<second-query>]
Here is one small example.
| set diff [| makeresults | eval ID="10" | append [| makeresults | eval ID="15"] | table ID] [| makeresults | eval ID="10" | table ID]
@akarunkumar321 , You can try the below query and let me know
index=ccp source=service1.log earliest=-4h latest=now() | rex field=_raw "trackingId\":\s\"(?[\w-]+)\"" | table ProducerTrackingID |join type=outer ProducerTrackingID [search index=service2.log earliest=-4h latest=now() | rex field=_raw "trackingId\":\s\"(?[\w-]+)\""|rename ConsumerTrackingID as ProducerTrackingID]|search NOT source=service1.log
This one giving me all the values in the table ProducerTrackingID. Before that, in the subquery search, we are just renaming the ConsumerTrackingID to be ProducerTrackingID. Do we don't require a table to hold these values?
Where is the lookup table in your query, do you want the results based on lookup or index?
index=ccp source=service1.log earliest=-4h latest=now() | rex field=_raw "trackingId\":\s\"(?[\w-]+)\"" | table ProducerTrackingID | search NOT [search index=service2.log earliest=-4h latest=now() | rex field=_raw "trackingId\":\s\"(?[\w-]+)\"" | table ConsumerTrackingID]. The lookuptable is ConsumerTrackingID. I want the values which are not present in the ConsumerTrackingID Table.
@akarunkumar321 I am still not clear on the question. The current query you have written, searches on 2 different indexes , I believe your subsearch says index=service2.log which looks like should be source=service2.log and index=ccp.
Sorry for the confusion both of them has the same index
so is this query working fine? do you need the tracking id from this query to be compared against lookup table ?
So I have a producer and consumer tables which will be having the same trackingId's every time. If a tracking Id is been missed in the consumer table. But it is present in the Producer table. Then I need those values of the trackingIDs which are missed.
Your query itself should work. Are you getting the tracking I’d valued correctly with your red command , have you tested it. What is the output you are getting with your query ? Also when you run individual query do you get tracking id values ?
That worked out. Thanks a lot. can we see producerTrackingId's and CosnumerTrackingId's in a different table as well?
You already have them in 2 different indexes and you are doing this query to get the third list based on 2 indexes . You can store results in a lookup if you want but what is the use case to store it ?
Wanted to check out the data which we are sending and which is been received as well
That worked out. Thanks a lot. can we see producerTrackingId's and CosnumerTrackingId's in the different table as well?
No, it is not working, When I run the main query and subquery separately they both give me the tables with the values but whereas if I run it together in the subquery it always returns me the producer table with the trackingId values.
Try this
source=service1.log earliest=-4h latest=now() | rex field=_raw "trackingId\":\s\"(?[\w-]+)\"" | table ProducerTrackingID | search NOT [search source=service2.log earliest=-4h latest=now() | rex field=_raw "trackingId\":\s\"(?[\w-]+)\"" | table ConsumerTrackingID| rename ConsumerTrackingID as ProducerTrackingID]
Ok, I tried out the query which you have suggested. If you look into the image on the top left corner which I have shared you it shows me 5 events. Basically, it should be zero because I ran the query separately and all the tracking Id from the producer are present in the consumer service.
@akarunkumar321 can you try splunk joins here