I am new to splunk and have a requirement where i have to search the logs which are on 100 servers and i have to figure if each log may consist 2 statements as below ex:
"started step1"
"started step2"
source of log contains actual name of source where i can check the step (location of log /test/test1/ABC.log ,/test/test1/CDE.log,/test/test1/DEF.log) which i figured out based on rex command (using regex)
I want a table which contain for each log how many step are completed. like:
ABC started step1 started step2
CDE started step1
DEF started step1 started step2
Thanks, though while searching in community i find the answer https://community.splunk.com/t5/Splunk-Search/Combine-multiple-rows-in-one-with-a-common-key/td-p/42...
Thanks, though while searching in community i find the answer https://community.splunk.com/t5/Splunk-Search/Combine-multiple-rows-in-one-with-a-common-key/td-p/42...
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Perhaps this will help
index=foo ("started step1" OR "started step2")
```Extract the step into a field```
| rex "(?<step>started step\d)"
```Group the steps by reporting host```
| stats values(step) as steps by host