Is there any search to get a list of users who have tried to log in often or never logged in?
try this
|set intersect[|rest /services/authentication/users|fields username][search NOT[ search index=_internal (sourcetype=splunk_web_access OR sourcetype=splunkd_access) | fields username ]]
I would suggest creating a field for users who logged in then create another field for users who logged out then do a ...| stats count by
To make the fields you will need to find a pattern then write a regular expression to capture this.. Post some a sample and I'll help write your regular expression
similar like this query but without csv option:-
| inputcsv allusers.csv | search NOT [ search index=_internal (sourcetype=splunk_web_access OR sourcetype=splunkd_access) | fields user | dedup user ]
I'm looking for the data sample (Also known as events) which are returned when you run a query. It's impossible to create a regular expression without seeing the patterns in the data sample..
An example would be this
2/19/2016 12:01:00 - User gollam logged in
2/19/2016 12:34:01 - User gollam logged out
give me any simple query.
can you give me regular exp to run the query?
something like this :-
index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access | table user | dedup user
If you provide a data sample..