I have the below output :
The desired output is to remove the first and last '|' : "(01/01/16|01/01/18|01/05/18|04/02/18|05/01/17|05/05/16|05/08/17)"
My below code isn't working, can you please help me?
Let's say search = "(|01/01/16|01/01/18|01/05/18|04/02/18|05/01/17|05/05/16|05/08/17|)"
| eval search = replace (search , "(|" , "(")
| eval search = replace (search , "|)" , ")")
Error : Error in 'eval' command: Regex: missing closing parenthesis
You have to escape the characters in your regex:
| makeresults 1
| eval test = "(|01/01/16|01/01/18|01/05/18|04/02/18|05/01/17|05/05/16|05/08/17|)"
| eval test1 = replace (test , "\(\|" , "(")
| eval test2 = replace (test1 , "\|\)" , ")")
Hope this helps
Like this:
| makeresults
| eval test = "(|01/01/16|01/01/18|01/05/18|04/02/18|05/01/17|05/05/16|05/08/17|)"
| rex field=test mode=sed "s/\(\|/(/ s/\|\)/)/"
If this is not a one-time thing, you could also make this replacement before ingesting the data by putting this sed in props.conf on the indexer, or even better on the forwarder:
SEDCMD-xyz s/\(\|/(/ s/\|\)/)/
You have to escape the characters in your regex:
| makeresults 1
| eval test = "(|01/01/16|01/01/18|01/05/18|04/02/18|05/01/17|05/05/16|05/08/17|)"
| eval test1 = replace (test , "\(\|" , "(")
| eval test2 = replace (test1 , "\|\)" , ")")
Hope this helps
Thanks. - I tried it and it worked.