I have the below output :
1/16/2023 7:51:43 AM 1EE8 PACKET 000001D9C25E6180 UDP Rcv 646b Q [0001 D NOERROR] A (6)framer(3)com(0)
UDP question info at 000001D9C25E6180
Socket = 940
Remote addr, port 55646
Time Query=9030678, Queued=0, Expire=0
Buf length = 0x0fa0 (4000)
Msg length = 0x001c (28)
XID 0x646b
Flags 0x0100
The desired output
I using regex:
sourcetype=DNSlog |rex field=_raw "NOERROR]\W+(?P<name>.*)\sUDP \S.*\s Socket.*\s Remote addr\W+(?P<IP>.*)," | rex mode=sed field=name "s/[\d;()]+//g" |stats count by name IP
My below code isn't working, can you please help me?
Hi @quangtran
The first rex extraction you're using will not match newlines (\n) or carriage returns (\r) so does not work.
Based on your example inputs, you could try something like this
| rex "\].+?\)(?P<subdomain>[^(]+).+?\)(?P<topleveldomain>[^(]+)(?:.+?[\r\n]){3}Remote addr (?P<IP>[^,]+)"
| eval name=subdomain . "." . topleveldomain
| stats count BY name IP
I web sight like https://regex101.com/ is a good place to test and modify your regular expressions out to get them working.
Hope this helps
thanks you, I think my regex is correct, but i don't replace a number and specific character with space