Splunk Search

How to rename column values when making a chart


I have a table which has a store_id, a shopper_id. For example (1, 5231). Each store_id corresponds to a the store name, i.e. For store_id, 1 refers to Walmart, 2 refers to Whole Food and 3 refers to Costco.

If I want to see how many shoppers each store has. If I do the query

source=SHOPER_AUDIT | top store_id

then I get what I want. However, the Y-axis store has store_id as 1,2 or 3. I want to rename them to Walmart, Whole Foods and Costco, respectively. Is it possible to do this?


Try to add this at the end of your search

| replace 1 WITH "Walmart" , 2 WITH "WholeFood" , 2 WITH "Costco" IN store_id


Thanks for this reminder @HeinzWaescher. I'm working on a search/report, in which I already use replace with a wildcard to remove some redundant / superfluous text, but I hadn't yet used it like this.
This is just what I needed to improve my timechart!

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Ultra Champion

use a lookup table? create a basic lookup that looks like this
store_id, store_name
read this docs here and follow through

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