Hi All,
I am having no luck renaming "column" and "row1, row2,..." successfully to "fields" and "event 1, event 2, event3, ...."
I can | rename column as fields
, but no luck with the rows.
Please advise how to rename the column to fields and rows to events, row1>event1.
Thank you
For row values, you have to use replace
not rename
. Try this replace "column 1" WITH "somevalue" IN column
The right way to do this is to use the header_field option for the transpose command
| transpose header_field=Key
For row values, you have to use replace
not rename
. Try this replace "column 1" WITH "somevalue" IN column
Thank you for the reply. I may have a miscommunication. I actually just want to rename the column and row labels, not necessarily use Splunk fields.
....| transpose | rename column as Details, "row 1" as 1
so I would like to auto-rename the row 1, row 2, row 3, to just be 1, 2, 3 (dropping the word row)
Is that possible?
I guess the answer is YES, just needed
| transpose | rename column as Details, row* as *
You mean like this?
| transpose | rename column AS Details "row "* AS *
I'm in a similar situation now and this works great but I was wondering if there's a way to individually rename each column? The 'not working' way would look like this:
... | rename row1 AS "Column 1", row2 AS "Scan Logs", row3 AS "etc."
Help on this would be greatly appreciated!
You need to use:
... | rename "row 1" as "This is Column 1", "row 2" as "This is Column 2", etc