I have this following search which gives me data, but i get a visualization table which is blank. I do not want this table in the report. Is there any way of removing this table?
eventtype=cppm-system-events cphost=* | where category="Hotfixes Updates" |table _time, host, description, action_key
Hi Thanks for your answer but i got it removed as when after modification , i tried o save the report there came an option for Visualization as first-> which was set by me e.g line and second -> None.
I selected None and the visual table was gone and i was left with the statistical data which i wanted.
try like this:
eventtype=cppm-system-events cphost=* | where category="Hotfixes Updates" |fields - _time, host, description, action_key | table *
eventtype=cppm-system-events cphost=* | where category="Hotfixes Updates" |fields + _time, host, description, action_key
to Keep the_time, host, description and action_key fields, and display them in the order
Hi Thanks for your answer but i got it removed as when after modification , i tried o save the report there came an option for Visualization as first-> which was set by me e.g line and second -> None.
I selected None and the visual table was gone and i was left with the statistical data which i wanted.
why can you have the visual table of x and y axis? because you use the command |table
the visualisation will be: Field name follow by the values
I mean i dont want the visual data , statistics table i want .
please explain well what you need.
i just need to eliminate the visual table of x and y axis but i need the statistical data which i am getting by
his query.