We have a custom dashboard in Splunk that has a few filters, one of which is a multiselect. This dashboard allows users to perform CRUD operations with POA&Ms. The multiselect in question lists all POA&M statuses that have been previously created, filtering the results displayed in the table.
The filter works fine for searching results for the table. The issue is that if someone creates a new POA&M with a status that hasn't been used yet, i.e. "Closed", the page must be refreshed for the multiselect to execute the search powering it and display "Closed" as an option. Is there a way to "refresh" the multiselect with Javascript after a new POA&M is created? The POA&M CRUD operations are performed with JS and Python btw. Here's the XML of the multiselect for reference:
If you have JS that is creating the new POA&M, then you could set a token in the JS that the multiselect search uses, When the token changes value, the multiselect search will re-run.
The MS would have something like
| inputlookup sp6_poams ``` $ms_trigger_token$ ```
i.e. it just needs to be in comments in the SPL and in your JS would do something like
var defTokens = mvc.Components.get('default');
var subTokens = mvc.Components.get('submitted');
var value = defTokens.get('ms_trigger_token') + 1;
defTokens.set('ms_trigger_token', value);
subTokens.set('ms_trigger_token', value);
Untested, but it's easy enough to do directly in XML but with JS you just need to get and increment the current token value and set it back - not sure exactly which of the default and/or submitted token models needs updating, but doesn't hurt to do both.
Hi @Afterimage,
There is an option to force the dropdown to re-run the search every X seconds.
Go into the Edit view and add this to the search:
Like this:
That will make the lookup search re-run every 30 seconds, picking up any new values in the process.
If you have JS that is creating the new POA&M, then you could set a token in the JS that the multiselect search uses, When the token changes value, the multiselect search will re-run.
The MS would have something like
| inputlookup sp6_poams ``` $ms_trigger_token$ ```
i.e. it just needs to be in comments in the SPL and in your JS would do something like
var defTokens = mvc.Components.get('default');
var subTokens = mvc.Components.get('submitted');
var value = defTokens.get('ms_trigger_token') + 1;
defTokens.set('ms_trigger_token', value);
subTokens.set('ms_trigger_token', value);
Untested, but it's easy enough to do directly in XML but with JS you just need to get and increment the current token value and set it back - not sure exactly which of the default and/or submitted token models needs updating, but doesn't hurt to do both.
Thank you very much! You saved me a ton of time, I would never have thought to do it that way. This solution works great! 😀