Name :Test
"extensionData": {
"entries": [
"key": "machinesTotal",
"value": {
"type": "integer",
"value": 7
"key": "endpoint",
"value": {
"type": "string",
"value": "vcenter.local"
"key": "quotaAllocatedPercentage",
"value": {
"type": "string",
"value": "27% (6 of 22)"
"key": "storageUsed",
"value": {
"type": "integer",
"value": 1006
"key": "machinesAllocatedPercentage",
"value": {
"type": "string",
"value": "86% (6 of 7)"
"key": "memoryAllocatedPercentage",
"value": {
"type": "string",
"value": "20% (72 GB of 352 GB)"
"key": "computeResource",
"value": {
"type": "string",
"value": "Data-Cluster"
"key": "storageAllocatedPercentage",
"value": {
"type": "string",
"value": "23% (1006 GB of 4400 GB)"
"key": "storageUsedPercentage",
"value": {
"type": "string",
"value": "23% (1006 GB of 4400 GB)"
I need data in table format. Can you help me on this.
Try this
| makeresults count =1
| eval _raw = "
\"Name\": \"Test\",
\"extensionData\": {
\"entries\": [
\"key\": \"machinesTotal\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"integer\",
\"value\": 7
\"key\": \"endpoint\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"vcenter.local\"
\"key\": \"quotaAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"27% (6 of 22)\"
\"key\": \"storageUsed\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"integer\",
\"value\": 1006
\"key\": \"machinesAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"86% (6 of 7)\"
\"key\": \"memoryAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"20% (72 GB of 352 GB)\"
\"key\": \"computeResource\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"Data-Cluster\"
\"key\": \"storageAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"23% (1006 GB of 4400 GB)\"
\"key\": \"storageUsedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"23% (1006 GB of 4400 GB)\"
| spath path=extensionData.entries{}.key output=key
| spath path=extensionData.entries{}.value.value output=value
| spath path=Name output=Name
| eval key_value_combined=mvzip(key,value)
| stats values(Name) as Name by key_value_combined
| eval key_value= split(key_value_combined,",")
| eval key=mvindex(key_value,0),value=mvindex(key_value,1)
| chart values(value) as value over Name by key
| makeresults count =1
| eval _raw = "
\"Name\": \"Test\",
\"extensionData\": {
\"entries\": [
\"key\": \"machinesTotal\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"integer\",
\"value\": 7
\"key\": \"endpoint\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"vcenter.local\"
\"key\": \"quotaAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"27% (6 of 22)\"
\"key\": \"storageUsed\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"integer\",
\"value\": 1006
\"key\": \"machinesAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"86% (6 of 7)\"
\"key\": \"memoryAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"20% (72 GB of 352 GB)\"
\"key\": \"computeResource\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"Data-Cluster\"
\"key\": \"storageAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"23% (1006 GB of 4400 GB)\"
\"key\": \"storageUsedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"23% (1006 GB of 4400 GB)\"
| spath path=extensionData.entries{}.key output=key
| spath path=extensionData.entries{}.value.value output=value
| spath path=Name output=Name
| eval key_value_combined=mvzip(key,value)
| stats values(Name) as Name by key_value_combined
| eval key_value= split(key_value_combined,",")
| eval key=mvindex(key_value,0),value=mvindex(key_value,1)
| eval {key}=value
| stats values(*) as *
| fields - key value key_value key_value_combined
Something like this?
| makeresults count =1
| eval _raw = "
\"Name\": \"Test\",
\"extensionData\": {
\"entries\": [
\"key\": \"machinesTotal\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"integer\",
\"value\": 7
\"key\": \"endpoint\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"vcenter.local\"
\"key\": \"quotaAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"27% (6 of 22)\"
\"key\": \"storageUsed\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"integer\",
\"value\": 1006
\"key\": \"machinesAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"86% (6 of 7)\"
\"key\": \"memoryAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"20% (72 GB of 352 GB)\"
\"key\": \"computeResource\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"Data-Cluster\"
\"key\": \"storageAllocatedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"23% (1006 GB of 4400 GB)\"
\"key\": \"storageUsedPercentage\",
\"value\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"value\": \"23% (1006 GB of 4400 GB)\"
| spath
| rename extensionData.entries{}.key as key
| rename extensionData.entries{}.value.type as type
| rename extensionData.entries{}.value.value as value
| eval zipped=mvzip( key, mvzip( type, value ) )
| mvexpand zipped
| eval zipped=split( zipped, "," )
| eval key=mvindex( zipped, 0 )
| eval type=mvindex( zipped, 1 )
| eval value =mvindex( zipped, 2 )
| table key,value
| transpose