I am searching events with specific multiple sourcetype, but getting extra sourcetype.Kindly refer attached file.
Am searching sourcetype=splunkd OR sourcetype=splunkd_access
index="_internal" sourcetype=splunkd OR sourcetype=splunkd_access OR component=root OR component=Metrics | stats count(eval(component="Metrics")) as Metrics_count, count(eval(component="root")) as Root_count by sourcetype
It is due to the OR condition you have in your search query.
index="_internal" sourcetype="splunkd" OR sourcetype="splunkd_access" OR component=root OR component=Metrics | rest of the search
It will bring all records which satisfies anyone of the condition, and when a record is found with "component=root" it is of sourcetype splunk_web_service.
So, if you don't want records from a particular sourcetype you can either filter that out using where clause or you can update your search to have AND condition as shown in the below command,
index="_internal" sourcetype="splunkd" OR sourcetype="splunkd_access" AND (component=root OR component=Metrics) |rest of the search
I'm agree with @whrg.
In my opinion, I think the boolean operators ( AND
, OR
) command should be included in "( )" such as index="_internal" (sourcetype=splunkd OR sourcetype=splunkd_access) (component=root OR component=Metric)
When you are using command "search" without any boolean operators, splunk will fill an AND
between the search conditions. For example, index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd
is equals that index=_internal AND sourcetype=splunkd
In your case, sourcetype=*
and component=*
are not conflicting conditions so maybe you should better to use AND
or nothing between them.
It is due to the OR condition you have in your search query.
index="_internal" sourcetype="splunkd" OR sourcetype="splunkd_access" OR component=root OR component=Metrics | rest of the search
It will bring all records which satisfies anyone of the condition, and when a record is found with "component=root" it is of sourcetype splunk_web_service.
So, if you don't want records from a particular sourcetype you can either filter that out using where clause or you can update your search to have AND condition as shown in the below command,
index="_internal" sourcetype="splunkd" OR sourcetype="splunkd_access" AND (component=root OR component=Metrics) |rest of the search
I believe you have too many "OR"s.
Try this:
index="_internal" sourcetype=splunkd OR sourcetype=splunkd_access component=root OR component=Metrics | stats count(eval(component="Metrics")) as Metrics_count, count(eval(component="root")) as Root_count by sourcetype
Written differently:
index="_internal" (sourcetype=splunkd OR sourcetype=splunkd_access) AND (component=root OR component=Metrics) | stats count(eval(component="Metrics")) as Metrics_count, count(eval(component="root")) as Root_count by sourcetype