I'm trying to set up a drill down report that will list the events of a transaction, but having issue getting the date to pass through correctly.
This is the code of the original report (edited to reflect assistance provided so far):
<title>Last 7 Days Activities</title>
<title>Earliest: $e$ - Latest: $l$</title>
<search ref="BluePrint Publish History - last 7 days">
<eval token = "e">strptime($row.Startdate$,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")</eval>
<eval token = "l">$e$+1200)</eval>
<link target="My New Window">
After adding in the tokens to the report, I can see that I'm still having issues with latest time not generating:
Not sure why this second token is not populating. Have already tried using
<eval token = "l">strptime($row.Startdate$,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")+1200</eval>
but this gives the same result.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
I have managed to get this working, but needed to modify my original report to include _time (formatted as epoch time) as a column - I'm then able to pass that time through to the drill down.
Not sure why I have needed to go to this extreme, every other attempt failed in that it would either not pass through - or even when I could get it to pass though - was not providing the correct date / time details.
You probably want "latest" rather than "lastest".
Thanks for that - while a valid pickup in terms of pass through, which I think has resolved part of my issues with the pass-through URL, it's not helping my tokens generating correctly.
@Kozanic, before coding the drilldown, you should always print to evaluate whether the tokens being passed to drilldown are being set properly or not. For table drilldown the predefined token $row.<fieldname>$
should be used. However, if _time is the first column of the table, better way to access it is via $click.value$
<eval token = "l"> $click.value$+1200</eval>
<link target="My New Window">
If _time field is not the first column in the table, you should use the following eval
<eval token="e">strptime($row._time$,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")</eval>
<eval toke="l">strptime($row._time$,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")+1200</eval>
Also print the tokens $e$ and $l$ in your dashboard to ensure they are picking up values as expected
<title>Earliest: $e$ - Latest: $l$</title>
There's a closing parenthesis missing in your eval element for e, and I'd use an eval element for the addition operation for l as well.
Thanks for that pick up