Can someone please help me with this query? I am trying to multiply the fields Batch_Size and count and return the results in the tc field. I tried the above syntax but it did not work.
The first three lines of this query work fine by itself. After adding the lines 4,5, it does not return anything.
|rex field=_raw "(\(TOTAL_REC\)::)(?P\s(\d))"
|stats count by Batch_Size
| eval tc = Batch_Size*count
| stats sum(tc) as tc
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks, Ro,
could you pls post the output of first 3 lines?
When you do a stats command (line 3), the fields visible before it become inaccessible. One way to solve your question:
|rex field=_raw "(\(TOTAL_REC\)::)(?P\s(\d))"
|stats count AS Volume BY Batch_Size
| eval tc = Batch_Size*Volume
This creates a new field, but you need a field name (Volume) in your stats command for it to work.