Hello Splunkers,
I have data where the index time is different from the actual file.The source has the correct date and time.I want splunk to use it as index time and if that is not possible I want to extract date and time from the source field ,create new field and use that as date and time field.Below is the example of the source file.
1. I want splunk to take 04-04-2022-101634 and use it as indexed time like 04-04-2022 -10:16:34(dd-mm-yyyy-hh:mm:ss) . I want the props.conf
2. Also if the data is indexed without using the source file .I want to extract teh date and time from the source and create and new field called correct_time as use as _time
Thanks in Advance
Sorry you mentioned dd-mm-yyyy-hh:mm:ss this format.
if your format is mm-dd-yyyy-hhmmss below should work for all the sources.
| makeresults
| eval source="/admin/logs/abc/inventory/04-04-2022-101634-all-b5.xxx"
| eval _time=strptime(replace(source,".*(?=/)/",""),"%m-%d-%Y-%H%M%S")
File Name:/admin/logs/abc/inventory/04-04-2022-101634-all-b5.xxx
File Name Format: %d-%m-%Y-%H%M%S-all-b5.xxx
_time value assigned to events:2022-04-04 10:16:34
[mysourcetype] TRANSFORMS=timestampeval
[timestampeval] INGEST_EVAL = _time=strptime(replace(source,".*(?=/)/",""),"%d-%m-%Y-%H%M%S")
This takes the "source" metadata value (which is the path and file name), removes the path, then extracts the date from the filename. The time defaults to 00:00:00.
All events in the file will have the same _time when imported.
Run below anywhere search to test
| makeresults
| eval source="/admin/logs/abc/inventory/04-04-2022-101634-all-b5.xxx"
| eval _time=strptime(replace(source,".*(?=/)/",""),"%d-%m-%Y-%H%M%S")
@mayurr98 Thank you very much for your reply . it did not work on the below source.
Sorry you mentioned dd-mm-yyyy-hh:mm:ss this format.
if your format is mm-dd-yyyy-hhmmss below should work for all the sources.
| makeresults
| eval source="/admin/logs/abc/inventory/04-04-2022-101634-all-b5.xxx"
| eval _time=strptime(replace(source,".*(?=/)/",""),"%m-%d-%Y-%H%M%S")
Thank you that worked
You should use ingest-time eval. See the https://conf.splunk.com/files/2020/slides/PLA1154C.pdf There is an example about correcting _time.
The correct_time extraction/calculation could be done in search time like any other field.
Thank you for your reply.But I am not sure how to do the eval on it.Can you please help me on it and also the regex part...I can do regex but I am not sure how to add " :" for the time