i want to display full green piechart when my total count is 0. And full yellow when my total count > 0 and <5
and Full red when totalcount >5.
I am getting the respective colour for Yellow and Red...but Green is not coming as the value is 0 and percentage covered is 0%??...
Any suggestion to make that display even if the value is zero?
Try setting this value to 0 which is no collapsing in the xml for the chart.
<option name="charting.chart.sliceCollapsingThreshold">0</option>
Tried that ....its not coming 😞
recommend pasting your search/relevant xml
My Query-sourcetype="source1" "queue.1" OR "queue.2" OR "queue.2" | spath output=queueName path=qInfo.qName|spath output=pendingMsgCount path=qInfo.pendingMsgCount|dedup queueName|stats sum(pendingMsgCount) AS PendingMsgCount by _time queueName|
stats sum(PendingMsgCount) as Totalcount | eval Status=case(Totalcount=0, "Fine", Totalcount>=1 AND Totalcount<=10, "Warning", Totalcount>10, "Critical") |chart values(Totalcount) AS TotalCount by Status
Status=Fine,TotalCount=0...I want the Full pie chart to be Green colour for this status or Total Count
If Status=Warning,TotalCount>0 and <5-Full Pie chart yellow..like wise...
Piechart should display the TotalCount too with respective colour.
Thanks in advance!
Note: There may be multiple ways to do this.
Here are some similar searches I have working using the range command to group into ranges.
some search | rangemap field=WaitTime 30=0-30 60=31-60 90=61-90 120=91-120 180=121-180 210=181-210 240=211-240 270=241-270 300=271-300 600=301-600 >600=601-10000 | stats count by range
sourcetype=jira_access | rex \s\d{3}\s\d(\d+)?\s(?\d(\d+)?)\s | eval jira_response_time=round((jira_response_time/1000),1) | search jira_response_time=* | rangemap field=jira_response_time "Meets SLA"=0-5 "Exceeds SLA"=5-1000000 | stats count by range
For the second example, I have the following xml to color red, green. You could probably add your own colors.
<option name="charting.fieldColors">{"Meets SLA":0x008000,"Exceeds SLA":0xFF0000}</option>
Rob...With only count i am getting coloured pie chart...
But i want for Status with respective msgcount in full colored pie chart..
seems you would want something like
| stats count by Status
and then use the charting option for the color coding
<option name="charting.fieldColors">{"Fine":0x008000,"Warning":0xFFFF00},"Critical":0xAC0030}</option>
I might be overlooking something.
Thanks Rob.It seems difficult to get the Full green Pie chart without using count.
Possibly someone else may have another idea. You could also try using a gauge.