I have a situation: How do I join rows from a lookup file into a single event starting with ComputerName?
ComputerName ABC
AppName Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2012
AppVersion 11.0
AppVendor Microsoft Corporation
InstalledDate 20160507
AppGUID 123456
SoftwareArchitecture x64
ComputerName XYZ
AppName Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2012
AppVersion 11.0
AppVendor Microsoft Corporation
InstalledDate 201600102
AppGUID 123456
SoftwareArchitecture x64
Your question is a bit vague, and/or your data presented doesn't make sense. If you are really trying to create a single event that has multiple values for Computername and all of the other fields, you could do something like this :
| inputlookup yourlookuptable.csv
| eval junk = 1
| stats list(ComputerName) as ComputerName, list(AppName) as AppName ... by junk
but I don't see what the use for such an event might be.
Please give an explanation and a simplified example of what you are trying to achieve.
General use of a Lookup
Let's suppose there were events on index=myindex with only the fields ComputerName and _time, and these values
foo 12/27/2016:23:57:00
foo 12/21/2016:18:21:00
bar 12/29/2016:13:17:30
Let's suppose you have a lookup table yourlookuptable.csv -- with the fields ComputerName2, InstalledDate, SoftwareArchitecture, and junk3 (a field we don't need) -- and these values
bar 20160507 x32 blahjunk
foo 20160102 x64 moreblahjunk
The following code looks up the values
| lookup yourlookuptable.csv ComputerName as ComputerName2 OUTPUT InstalledDate SoftwareArchitecture
| sort 0 ComputerName InstalledDate _time
And results in
bar 12/29/2016:13:17:30 20160507 x32
foo 12/21/2016:18:21:00 20160102 x64
foo 12/27/2016:23:57:00 20160102 x64
edited to use sort 0 instead of sort, in case there were more than 100 values to sort.
Try like this (the lookup table has two fields attribute and value)
| inputlookup yourlookuptable.csv | table attribute value
| eval joinfield=if(attribute="Computer Name",1,0)
| accum joinfield | stats list(attribute) as attributes list(value) as values by joinfield
I guess the transaction command is what you are looking for: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.5.1/SearchReference/Transaction
Depending on which events you want to group together, stats might also be a better use because it's faster.
Edit: TSTATS would be even faster than stats, but no raw data then, if you need it.
the above results are from lookup file. is there a way to do this in lookup?