Splunk Search

How to get table column headers to display even if no results are found?


I have a search that displays new accounts created over the past 30 days and another that displays accounts deleted over the past 30 days.

I would like to have the column (field) names display even if no results are returned as well as the “No results found” message. Is it possible or am I asking too much?

0 Karma
1 Solution

Ultra Champion
index=wineventlog source=wineventlog:security EventCode=4725 OR EventCode=629
| appendpipe [stats count | where count==0 |eval EventCodeDescription="No Results Found"]
| table _time, user, src_user, EventCodeDescription
| rename _time as Date, src_user as "Disabled by", user as "User Account", EventCodeDescription as "Event"
| convert ctime(Date)

View solution in original post

Ultra Champion
index=wineventlog source=wineventlog:security EventCode=4725 OR EventCode=629
| appendpipe [stats count | where count==0 |eval EventCodeDescription="No Results Found"]
| table _time, user, src_user, EventCodeDescription
| rename _time as Date, src_user as "Disabled by", user as "User Account", EventCodeDescription as "Event"
| convert ctime(Date)


Perfect, thanks!

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Assuming that your existing search ends in something like | table _time foo bat, just insert an appendpipe like like this:

| makeresults
| eval foo="bar", bat="baz"

| where true()=false()

| appendpipe [stats count | where count==0 | foreach _time foo bat [eval <>="No Results Found"]]
| table _time foo bat


Thanks, but doesn't seem to work or I'm doing something wrong (quite possible), here's my query with the appendpipe added. Feel free to let me know what I am probably doing wrong.

index=wineventlog source=wineventlog:security EventCode=4725 OR EventCode=629
| appendpipe [stats count | where count==0 | foreach _time, user, src_user, EventCodeDescription
[eval <>="No Results Found"]]

| table _time, user, src_user, EventCodeDescription

| rename _time as Date, src_user as "Disabled by", user as "User Account", EventCodeDescription as "Event"

| convert ctime(Date)

0 Karma
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