Hi all,
I'm trying to get a list of phone numbers for each event by sessionId. I can't quite figure it out. I think I need to use some sort of rex command. Here's what I have so far.
index=convo (input_type=VOICE OR input_type=SPEECH) botId=123456789 customerANI
| rex field=phone "\+1(?<phone_number>\d{10})"
| stats values(phone) as PhoneNumber by sessionId
Example event:
2022-09-26T06:18:41,105+0000 [INFO ] level=INFO [https-jssa-exec-10]-[tid=be75a0f9-9039-41ea-8104-afe25cfa7177 authId=123456789 sessionId=10987654321 test=false botId=123456789 cfBotId=123456789 offl_TKT=true proto=V2 platform=WEB input_type=SPEECH appId=web.intlgntsys.cui.sbgiva sku= pn= cid=123456789123456789 convo=service_routing_info_call]-[ServiceClient]-[55 ] ExecutingRequest requestState=executing action=contact_channels input={"appName":"voice_bot","language":"en","locale":"en-us","query":"talk with an agent","inputs":{"customerQuestion":"a wrong charge","DNIS":"+18008008000","Level":"|","Year":"2019","universalId":"123456789","Rating":"|","edition":"Blue|Yellow|Green","experience":"phone","sku":"0","intent":"BILLING","platform":"web","customerANI":"+15555555555"}}
If the Event Example is the _raw data of the event then this should work:
| rex field=_raw "\"customerANI\"\:\"\+1(?<phone_number>\d{10})"
| stats values(phone_number) as PhoneNumber by sessionId
EDIT: for clarification, the query from my first answer obviously would still need the extraction:
| rex field=phone "\+1(?<phone_number>\d{10})"
| stats values(phone_number) as PhoneNumber by sessionId
If this was helpful please consider awarding Karma. Thx!
If you are sure that the field which includes the phone number ist called "phone" then the extraction should work. Since you want a list of phone numbers though, the second part of your query should use the extracted field:
| stats values(phone_number) as PhoneNumber by sessionId
If this was helpful please consider awarding Karma. Thx!
The current query I have doesn't work. I just added phone_number for the sake of understanding in this thread.
In the event below, the phone number is listed as: 15555555555
If the Event Example is the _raw data of the event then this should work:
| rex field=_raw "\"customerANI\"\:\"\+1(?<phone_number>\d{10})"
| stats values(phone_number) as PhoneNumber by sessionId
EDIT: for clarification, the query from my first answer obviously would still need the extraction:
| rex field=phone "\+1(?<phone_number>\d{10})"
| stats values(phone_number) as PhoneNumber by sessionId
If this was helpful please consider awarding Karma. Thx!