I have this search:
| stats count by application
| eval application = case(
application=="malware-detection", "Malware",
!isnull(application), upper(substr(application,1,1)).substr(application,2)
| eventstats sum(count) as total
| eval count_2=round(100*count/total,2)
| fields- total
| eval count_perc="".count_2."%"
| rename application as Application, count as Count
and I would like to show the Application, Count and count_perc fields on mu Pie Chart, but splunk still show the Count%.
My goal is to round the percentage, how can I do this?
Thanks for support!
The percentage shown is calculated as part of the Pie Chart Visualisation. As far as I know there are no Formatting Options (UI or SourceCode) that can change this. So the only way I can imagine is to make a custom visualisation that is an exact copy of the Splunk-Build Pie Chart and modify the code in there.
But I don't know if that effort is worth it.
My only other guess would be to look into the code of the page and see if there is a possibility to modify it through HTML Code Inserted into the XML Code of the Dashboard but that's a far stretch
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