one particular system event count hourly the last 7 days graph each day need to display different line
X - axis -- 0 - 24 hours
Y Axis - event count
Also is it possiable to trigger alert if any deviation
For the first part, you can use the timewrap function, see
Something like:
index=your_index earliest=-7d@d latest=@d
| timechart span=1h count
| timewrap 1d
Let me know if that helps.
Try like this
your base search
| eval Day=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d") | eval Hour=strftime(_time,"%H:00")
| chart count over Hour by Day
For the first part, you can use the timewrap function, see
Something like:
index=your_index earliest=-7d@d latest=@d
| timechart span=1h count
| timewrap 1d
Let me know if that helps.
Thank you, Philip,
It's working fine. I have some more doubt in the graph.
What do you mean by consolidated graph for a week? In you question you had asked for last 7 days graph with different lines.
For second query, you can try the following.
| rename "NULL_*" as *
For finding deviations you would need to add more historic data and possibly use Machine Learning Toolkit for finding suitable algorithm for outlier.