Splunk Search

How to get an epoch time for $client_time.latest$



I have a dashboard with a dropdown form allowing users to select the time period they wish to analyse.

I am looking to capture the latest time token of the period in epoch format but I am running into issues.

I have found that if the end time is 'now', then I can use time() however this doesn't work for when the end time is in the past (i.e. yesterday, previous week or previous year).

Can anyone assist me in figuring this out?

Many thanks,


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1 Solution



The technique is to set up a hidden panel with a search that uses the addinfo command to get the latest time for the search and then use a <done> clause to set tokens based on that epoch.

See the attached dashboard

  <label>Time Pickers 2</label>
  <fieldset submitButton="false"></fieldset>
      <input type="time" token="client">
        <label>Select Time</label>
      <table depends="$show_hidden$">
        <title>This simple search - is hidden - but is used to calculate the relative time for the second table</title>
          <query>| makeresults 
| addinfo
            <set token="search_latest">$result.info_max_time$</set>
            <eval token="search_latest_fmt">strftime($result.info_max_time$, "%F %T")</eval>
            | makeresults
            | eval Selected_Time_Input=$client.latest|s$
            | eval Selected_Time_ISO=$search_latest_fmt|s$
            | eval Selected_Time_Epoch=$search_latest$
            | table Selected_Time_Input Selected_Time_ISO Selected_Time_Epoch

Hope this helps

View solution in original post


This was perfect, thank you.

0 Karma



Glad it helped you. Can you mark the answer as a solution for others.



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The technique is to set up a hidden panel with a search that uses the addinfo command to get the latest time for the search and then use a <done> clause to set tokens based on that epoch.

See the attached dashboard

  <label>Time Pickers 2</label>
  <fieldset submitButton="false"></fieldset>
      <input type="time" token="client">
        <label>Select Time</label>
      <table depends="$show_hidden$">
        <title>This simple search - is hidden - but is used to calculate the relative time for the second table</title>
          <query>| makeresults 
| addinfo
            <set token="search_latest">$result.info_max_time$</set>
            <eval token="search_latest_fmt">strftime($result.info_max_time$, "%F %T")</eval>
            | makeresults
            | eval Selected_Time_Input=$client.latest|s$
            | eval Selected_Time_ISO=$search_latest_fmt|s$
            | eval Selected_Time_Epoch=$search_latest$
            | table Selected_Time_Input Selected_Time_ISO Selected_Time_Epoch

Hope this helps

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