Could anyone please help to find out unused indexes in Splunk DMC
Hi AbilashSe,
if you want to see unused indexes you could go in [Indexing -- Indexes and Volumes -- Index Detail: Deployment], and see for each Index if it doesn't receive logs for a long time.
If you want a report of last and first event of each index use something like this
| rest splunk_server_group=dmc_group_indexer splunk_server_group="*" /services/data/indexes | table title maxTime minTime
Thanks for the query, i developed it to be something usable....
| rest splunk_server_group=dmc_group_indexer splunk_server_group="*" /services/data/indexes
| stats max(maxTime) AS latestEvent BY title
| eval elapsedTime = now() - strptime(latestEvent,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"), daysSince = ceiling(elapsedTime / 86400)
| eval daysSinceLastEvent = case(daysSince<0, -1, daysSince=0, 0, daysSince>0,daysSince)
| eval indexStatus = case(daysSinceLastEvent>730, "Nothing Since 2 years",
daysSinceLastEvent<730 AND daysSinceLastEvent>365, "Nothing Since last year",
daysSinceLastEvent<365 AND daysSinceLastEvent>0, "used in last year",
daysSinceLastEvent=0, "Till today",
daysSinceLastEvent<0, "bad future timestamp")
| fields title latestEvent daysSinceLastEvent indexStatus
Hi Giuseppe,
Thanks for the update..
I would like to get the count of unused indexes.
could you please help me.?
Hi AbilashSe,
when you say "unused indexes", do you mean:
in first case
| rest splunk_server_group=dmc_group_indexer splunk_server_group="*" /services/data/indexes
| eval indexSizeGB = if(currentDBSizeMB >= 1 AND totalEventCount >=1, currentDBSizeMB/1024, null())
| stats sum(indexSizeGB) AS totalSize BY title
| where totalSize=0
| table title
In the second case run something like this
| rest splunk_server_group=dmc_group_indexer splunk_server_group="*" /services/data/indexes
| eval
time_limit=strptime("2017-09-04 8:00:00","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
| where maxTime<time_limit
| table title maxTime minTime
unused indexes meaning, indexes that didnt receive data for how long? or never received any data at all?!?! (empty index)
Indexes which didn't receive data for long time.