I have a deployment where multiple computers are sending logs to a WEF server using WEF(windows event forwarding). I tried to map ComputerName field to host name field but failed to do so.
Now I want to create an alert if any of the computer is not sending logs to splunk. how can i do so.
The method defined by splunk is based on index,host and sourcectype field, which will remain same for all computers in our case.
Hi @Nawab ,
to use computername instead host youcannot use tstats and the search is slower, so try this:
with perimeter.csv lookup
| stats count BY sourcetype ComputerName
| append [
| inputlookup perimeter.csv
| eval count=0
| fields ComputerName sourcetype count ]
| stats sum(count) AS total BY sourcetype ComputerName
| where total=0
without lookup:
| stats count latest(_time) AS _time BY sourcetype ComputerName
| eval period=if(_time<now()-3600,"previous,"latest")
| stats
dc(period) AS period_count
values(period) AS period
BY sourcetype ComputerName
| where period_count=1 AND period="previous"
The issue in my case is the field i am look at is computername instead of host.
below is the deployement.
All windows servers ----> forwarder server ----> splunk
in splunk host will be forwarder server i.e 1 instead of the backend servers sending data.
these queries work on host source sourcetype and index fields.
Hi @Nawab ,
to use computername instead host youcannot use tstats and the search is slower, so try this:
with perimeter.csv lookup
| stats count BY sourcetype ComputerName
| append [
| inputlookup perimeter.csv
| eval count=0
| fields ComputerName sourcetype count ]
| stats sum(count) AS total BY sourcetype ComputerName
| where total=0
without lookup:
| stats count latest(_time) AS _time BY sourcetype ComputerName
| eval period=if(_time<now()-3600,"previous,"latest")
| stats
dc(period) AS period_count
values(period) AS period
BY sourcetype ComputerName
| where period_count=1 AND period="previous"
Hi @Nawab ,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the contributors 😉
Hi @Nawab ,
if you have a list of hosts to monitor, you could put it in a lookup (called e.g. perimeter.csv and containing at least two columns: sourcetype, host) and run a search like the following:
| tstats
WHERE index=*
BY sourcetype host
| append [
| inputlookup perimeter.csv
| eval count=0
| fields host sourcetype count ]
| stats sum(count) AS total BY sourcetype host
| where total=0
if you don't have this list and you want to check hosts that sent logs in the last weeb but not in tha last hour, you could run:
| tstats
latest(-time) AS _time
WHERE index=*
BY sourcetype host
| eval period=if(_time<now()-3600,"previous,"latest")
| stats
dc(period) AS period_count
values(period) AS period
BY sourcetype host
| where period_count=1 AND period="previous"
The first solution gives you more control but requires to manage the perimeter lookup.