i am trying to find each application individual http error codes total count with percentage
here is the query which i was using to display some fields but it is with 200,how can we get other http codes with total count and percentage on time basis
index=myindex cf_org_name="ANA-CCN-CAP" cf_space_name="lab" cf_app_name="ana-ccn-cap-sit" |eval StatusCode=if(ResponseCode=200,"Success","Failure")
|timechart span=1h count by StatusCode | addtotals|
eval Percent_Failure=round(Failure/ Total * 100, 1)| timechart span=1d sum(Total) as Total sum(Failure) as Failure sum(Success) as Success |
rename _time as Time |table Total Success Failure SuccessePercentage FailurePercentage
|eval FailurePercentage=round(Failure/ Total * 100, 1) |eval SuccessePercentage=round(Success/ Total * 100, 1)
|eval FailurePercentage=FailurePercentage+"%" |fieldformat Total=tostring(Total,"commas")| fieldformat Failure=tostring(Failure, "Commas") |eval SuccessePercentage=SuccessePercentage+"%"
| eval Time=strftime(Time,"%c")
Maybe this (it is very unclear what you mean "by application"):
index=myindex cf_org_name="ANA-CCN-CAP" cf_space_name="lab" cf_app_name="ana-ccn-cap-sit"
| stats count AS Total count(eval(ResponseCode="200")) AS Success BY application
| eval Failure = Total - Success
| eval Percent_Failure=round((Failure/ Total) 100, 1)
| eval Percent_Success=100 - PercentFailure
| rename _time as Time
| table Total Success Failure SuccessePercentage FailurePercentage
| eval FailurePercentage=FailurePercentage+"%"
| fieldformat Total=tostring(Total,"commas")
| fieldformat Failure=tostring(Failure, "Commas")
|eval SuccessePercentage=SuccessePercentage+"%"
| eval Time=strftime(Time,"%c")
Maybe this (it is very unclear what you mean "by application"):
index=myindex cf_org_name="ANA-CCN-CAP" cf_space_name="lab" cf_app_name="ana-ccn-cap-sit"
| stats count AS Total count(eval(ResponseCode="200")) AS Success BY application
| eval Failure = Total - Success
| eval Percent_Failure=round((Failure/ Total) 100, 1)
| eval Percent_Success=100 - PercentFailure
| rename _time as Time
| table Total Success Failure SuccessePercentage FailurePercentage
| eval FailurePercentage=FailurePercentage+"%"
| fieldformat Total=tostring(Total,"commas")
| fieldformat Failure=tostring(Failure, "Commas")
|eval SuccessePercentage=SuccessePercentage+"%"
| eval Time=strftime(Time,"%c")
Thanks woodcock.
application means,we have applications like:
i created a dropdown and i can pass application name in search query and get success,failure and respective percentages for each application.
with your help,i modified little bit and got the expected results
here is the total search
index=myindex cf_org_name="ANA-CCN-CAP" cf_space_name="lab" cf_app_name="*" | stats count AS Total count(eval(ResponseCode="200")) AS Success BY cf_app_name
| eval Failure = Total - Success | eval Percent_Failure=round((Failure*100/ Total), 1) | eval Percent_Success=round((100 - Percent_Failure),1) | rename _time as Time
| table Time cf_app_name Total Success Failure Percent_Failure Percent_Success
| eval Percent_Failure=Percent_Failure. "%"
| fieldformat Total=tostring(Total,"commas")
| fieldformat Failure=tostring(Failure, "Commas")
|eval Percent_Success=Percent_Success. "%"
| eval Time=strftime(Time,"%c")
but i am not able to display time with above search
It what manner would you like time to be displayed? A single value per line with the earliest value? A table broken out by month?
It would be good if it is single value per line with the earliest
Like this:
index=myindex cf_org_name="ANA-CCN-CAP" cf_space_name="lab" cf_app_name="*"
| stats count AS Total first(_time) AS Time count(eval(ResponseCode="200")) AS Success BY cf_app_name
| eval Failure = Total - Success
| eval Percent_Failure=round((Failure*100/ Total), 1)
| eval Percent_Success=round((100 - Percent_Failure),1)
| table Time cf_app_name Total Success Failure Percent_Failure Percent_Success
| eval Percent_Failure=Percent_Failure. "%"
| fieldformat Total=tostring(Total,"commas")
| fieldformat Failure=tostring(Failure, "Commas")
|eval Percent_Success=Percent_Success. "%"
| eval Time=strftime(Time,"%c")
thank you for your prompt response.now results looks good
BTW, there was a mistake; when I wrote first
, I should have written earliest
. Please change that and it will be correct.
sure,we ran load test for 1 hour and can we show the success and failure rate between starting to ending time.
Can you post some sanitized example log events? Atm it's hard to help at all I guess.
Furthermore what do you expect as result? Please give an example.
i am expecting http error codes total count with percentage by application name on time basis
here is the sample log
<6>2017-01-27T20:59:59Z v204vtn756h doppler[19]: {"cf_app_id":"6b3e0a17-c90e-4921-8bb5-d01dbc4fc768","cf_app_name":"ana-ccn-cap-sit","cf_ignored_app":false,"cf_org_id":"fd12558e-ddaf-4dd2-91b3-85f28ccd27f3","cf_org_name":"ANA-CCN-CAP","cf_origin":"firehose","cf_space_id":"f9e2c3b9-ff7a-46b2-b359-9ec4ec13487b","cf_space_name":"lab","deployment":"cf","event_type":"LogMessage","ip":"","job":"diego_cell-partition-ee9c6bad3843f162447f","job_index":"8","level":"info","message_type":"OUT","msg":" INFO [o-8080-exec-322] c.c.c.l.c.f.CCPLoggingContextFilter c.c.c.l.c.f.CCPLoggingContextFilter.postProcess(CCPLoggingContextFilter.java:187) - POST|/public/sso/keepalive|72DE4B61-ac57-c4eb-c757-dde94f4866|cf17546a-bd9a-4f52-829e-ac78298510b8|US|GCB|MBK||METRICS|ResponseCode=200|ResponseTime=44","origin":"rep","source_instance":"0","source_type":"APP","time":"2017-01-27T20:59:59Z","timestamp":1485550799982650792}