In my Active Directory data I have this situation:
Account Name: ADDC01
Account Domain: AD
Logon ID: 0x3e7
Account That Was Locked Out:
Security ID: MyDomain\Lightning.McQueen
Account Name: lightning.mcqueen
I would like to extract ADDC01
into a different field name e.g. Server_Account so that I can isolate which are users and which are servers.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Assuming the Windows TA extracts Account Name into a multi-valued field. On my test machine, I have a field called Account_Name that has been extracted for both of these values.
Use the mvindex() function to reference a specific value in a multivalue field. Since the index numbering starts at 0 you will use the following two eval statements.
Assuming the Windows TA extracts Account Name into a multi-valued field. On my test machine, I have a field called Account_Name that has been extracted for both of these values.
Use the mvindex() function to reference a specific value in a multivalue field. Since the index numbering starts at 0 you will use the following two eval statements.