I have the following log lines:
2023-08-23 06:27:13,551 DEBUG [org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.utils.RedirectUtils] (executor-thread-70) replacing relative valid redirect with: https:// foo.com/admin/master/console/*
2023-08-23 06:28:04,446 DEBUG [io.quarkus.vertx.http.runtime.ForwardedParser] (executor-thread-70) Recalculated absoluteURI to https:// foo.com/admin/realms/master/users
and so on....
I need to create a query and extract "foo.com" from the url so I can create an alert anytime the url is "bar.com"
Very new to splunk. so please bare with me.
Getting the first part of the URL is pretty easy using rex.
| rex "https?:\/\/(?<domain>[^\/]+)"
| where domain="bar.com"
Hi @muqeeiz,
if you're sure that there's always https and a space after //, you culd use something like this:
| rex "https:\/\/\s*(?<url>[^\/]+)"
that you can check at https://regex101.com/r/VkelFS/1
| rex "https:\/\/(?<server>[^\/]+)"