I'm doing a simple alert, which looks like this:
SIP/3102-in-* you=* | table you, id
Which should extract 2 tables from message like this:
Aug 1 10:40:08 Aug 1 10:39:17 asterisk[4015]: VERBOSE[4015]: -- Executing [s@default:1] Set("SIP/3102-in-00000000", "you=11111111111|id=""Caller ID""") in new stack
What I get in return is actually this:
"11111111 Caller" (in a table form of course), but the ID is missing. Anything that comes in only the first word before space is shown.
I understand it's due to the way I extract it, but I'm really not sure how to form a search to make it properly produce the full string. Any help is appreciated.
Try this
SIP/3102-in-* you=* | rex "id=\"\"(?<id>[^\"]+)" | table you, id
Try adding
| rex "id=\"\"(?<id>[^\"]+)"
to your search or
to your props.conf stanza for this sourcetype.
Thanks, but it seems to only work on some messages and not others....
You would have more/better help if you actually posted examples and said "it worked for these ... but didn't work for those ...". Give as much detail as possible.
Try this
SIP/3102-in-* you=* | rex "id=\"\"(?<id>[^\"]+)" | table you, id
I think I got it, in the example I showed, I was testing with double "" around the ID= field, so it worked with that. But my regular messages look like this.
Aug 1 11:27:04 Aug 1 11:26:13 asterisk[4015]: VERBOSE[4015]: -- Executing [s@default:1] Set("SIP/3102-in-00000000", "you=111111111|id=CALLER ID") in new stack
Really sorry for the confusion. I can add the double "" back, but I really do want to understand why just changing to
Guys thank you so much. I figured it out. I guess I need to pay more attention. This is what my final search string looks like...
SIP/3102-in-* you=* | rex "id=(?[^\"]+)" | table you, id
@yozhbk, please accept the answer to close it out
rex "id=\"\"(?[^)]+)"
will not work because it is expecting r "
after =
. In your data, it appears, there's no quotes after the = sign. To capture, when no quotes, try this
SIP/3102-in-* you=* | rex "id=(?<id>[^\"]+)" | table you, id
rex "id=\"\"(?[^)]+)" doesnt work ?
It worked for one of the entrees, but not the others... The length is always changing and so does the placement of the space, basicly its a callers ID that i`m trying to extract.
This regex looks for id=""
and captures everything after that till "
, so the length should matter, as long as id=""
exists. Can you share a sample where it doesn't match