I extracted a field SNDateCreated (regex shown below), the values in this field are represented as strings.
index="win" source="ad" | rex "wCreated=\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\s\w+\,\s\w+\s(?.*?)\s" | table SNDateCreated
My goal is to present SNDateCreated with dates 14 days back from now, it should be sorting based on the values in SNDateCreated rather than event dates.
..... going 14 days back.
If you have successfully extracted the dates into SNDateCreated
and want to sort reverse-chronologically and retain only those in the last 14 days:
your search
| where date>=strftime(relative_time(now(), "-14d"), "%m/%d/%Y")
| sort - date
If you have successfully extracted the dates into SNDateCreated
and want to sort reverse-chronologically and retain only those in the last 14 days:
your search
| where date>=strftime(relative_time(now(), "-14d"), "%m/%d/%Y")
| sort - date