Splunk Search

How to exclude results in Search1 that are returned from Search2?


I have a set of data that I would like to exclude the second search result set from.

First search: Gets me all the error files.

index=foo sourcetype="blah" (host="xxx*" OR host="xxx*") DownloadException" NOT ("pdf.*" OR "jpg.*") | rex "Error in reading an asset: (?<uid>.*)\." | eval asset_uid=substr(uid,len(uid)-35) | dedup asset_uid| table asset_uid

sample data: (about 1k reords)


second search: Gets me all the file not found error files.

index=foo sourcetype="blah" (host="xxx*" OR host="xxx*") FileNotFoundException NOT ("pdf.*" OR "jpg.*") | rex "FileNotFoundException: (?<file>.*)\." | eval asset_fail_uid=substr(file,len(file)-35) | table asset_fail_uid

I would like to exclude all records from second search from first search. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

0 Karma
1 Solution

Esteemed Legend

Like this:

index=foo sourcetype="blah" (host="xxx*" OR host="xxx*") (FileNotFoundException OR DownloadException) NOT ("pdf.*" OR "jpg.*")
| eval ExceptionType=if(searchmatch("FileNotFoundException"), "FileNotFoundException", "DownloadException")
| rex "Error in reading an asset: (?<uid>.*)\."
| rex "FileNotFoundException: (?<file>.*)\."
| eval asset_uid=coalesce(substr(uid,len(uid)-35), substr(file,len(file)-35))
| eventstats dc(ExceptionType) AS numExceptionTypes values(ExceptionType) AS ExceptionTypes
| search numExceptionTypes=1 AND ExceptionType="DownloadException"

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Like this:

index=foo sourcetype="blah" (host="xxx*" OR host="xxx*") (FileNotFoundException OR DownloadException) NOT ("pdf.*" OR "jpg.*")
| eval ExceptionType=if(searchmatch("FileNotFoundException"), "FileNotFoundException", "DownloadException")
| rex "Error in reading an asset: (?<uid>.*)\."
| rex "FileNotFoundException: (?<file>.*)\."
| eval asset_uid=coalesce(substr(uid,len(uid)-35), substr(file,len(file)-35))
| eventstats dc(ExceptionType) AS numExceptionTypes values(ExceptionType) AS ExceptionTypes
| search numExceptionTypes=1 AND ExceptionType="DownloadException"
0 Karma


Wow, thanks. I just ran the query and it returns no results, which is good.

Thanks for the help!

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