having JSON formatted events there are parts of the event with the same key like:
events: [ [-]
{ [-]
classifications: [ [+]
data: { [-]
rewrite_sql: select * from users where username='ZAP' UNION ALL select NULL -- ' and password='ZAP';
rewrite_with_sql: SELECT NULL LIMIT 0;
stack: [ [-]
type: Rewrite
{ [-]
classifications: [ [+]
data: { [-]
corpusType: SQL
infected: select * from users where username='ZAP' UNION ALL select NULL -- ' and password='ZAP';
injectedPart: ZAP' UNION ALL select NULL --
stack: [ [-]
type: Injection
My search looks like this:
source="rasp logs" | spath | rename events{}.type as "Event_Type", events{}.data.corpusType as "Attack_Type", id as "Event ID" | eval x=mvzip(Event_Type,Attack_Type) | mvexpand x | eval x = split(x,",") | eval RASP_Event_Action=mvindex(x,0) | eval Event_Type=mvindex(x,1) | table "Event ID", "Event_Type", RASP_Event_Action
but my table looks like this:
c58b842a-2b70-4077-a7fa-e2e4bdb04688 SQL Rewrite
c58b842a-2b70-4077-a7fa-e2e4bdb04688 SQL Injection
I would like to have my table formatted like this
c58b842a-2b70-4077-a7fa-e2e4bdb04688 SQL Injection
.............................................SQL Rewrite (dots only to make the display correct)
happy to get any idea to move to the right direction
Can you try this please?
source="rasp logs"
| spath
| rename events{}.type as "Event_Type", events{}.data.corpusType as "Attack_Type"
| eval x=mvzip(Event_Type,Attack_Type)
| eval z=mvzip(x,id)
| mvexpand z
| eval z = split(z,",")
| eval Event_Action=mvindex(z,0)
| eval Event_Type=mvindex(z,1)
| eval Event_ID=mvindex(z,2)
| table Event_ID, Event_Type, Event_Action
not 100% but a very good start - THX!
my Event ID is not only displayed once, but for the second line of the same event id I don't need it at all. not sure this is working at all?
Oh i see what you mean now. You need something to thread the event id together... see if this works
source="rasp logs"
| spath
| rename events{}.type as "Event_Type", events{}.data.corpusType as "Attack_Type"
| eval x=mvzip(Event_Type,Attack_Type)
| eval z=mvzip(x,id)
| mvexpand z
| eval z = split(z,",")
| eval Event_Action=mvindex(z,0)
| eval Event_Type=mvindex(z,1)
| eval Event_ID=mvindex(z,2)
| transaction Event_ID
| chart values(Event_Type), values(Event_Action) by Event_ID
wow, great! thanks a lot!
one last question: if the event part now is somehow dynamic and there can be n events. Can the display/search made dynamic as well? I mean now I ask for the different elements on their own like z,0 z,1 and z,2. Can there be some sort of loop to do so?
Can you provide an example of what you're looking for?