I'm looking to show the duration of logons through VDI logs. I convert _time into something better for the Start and Finish Times, but I'm unable to evaluate the difference.
I have tried to convert the Splunk duration fields back to a "human" readable format, but I have not been successful.
EVAL Start_Time=strftime(if(EventType="AGENT_CONNECTED",_time,null()), "%H:%M:%S") | EVAL Finish_Time=strftime(if(EventType="AGENT_ENDED",_time,null()), "%H:%M:%S") | transaction UserDisplayName MachineName startswith="AGENT_CONNECTED" endswith="AGENT_ENDED" | EVAL Duration=Finish_Time-Start_Time | Table UserDisplayName MachineName Start_Time Finish_Time Duration
Start_Time and Finish_Time are strings so you can't do math with them. To get the different between two timestamps, always use epoch form (what's passed in to strftime()). Something like this:
EVAL startTime=if(EventType="AGENT_CONNECTED",_time,null())| eval Start_Time=strftime(startTime, "%H:%M:%S") | EVAL finishTime=strftime(if(EventType="AGENT_ENDED",_time,null()), | eval Finish_Time=strftime(finishTime,"%H:%M:%S") | transaction UserDisplayName MachineName startswith="AGENT_CONNECTED" endswith="AGENT_ENDED" | EVAL Duration=finishTime-startTime | Table UserDisplayName MachineName Start_Time Finish_Time Duration
Start_Time and Finish_Time are strings so you can't do math with them. To get the different between two timestamps, always use epoch form (what's passed in to strftime()). Something like this:
EVAL startTime=if(EventType="AGENT_CONNECTED",_time,null())| eval Start_Time=strftime(startTime, "%H:%M:%S") | EVAL finishTime=strftime(if(EventType="AGENT_ENDED",_time,null()), | eval Finish_Time=strftime(finishTime,"%H:%M:%S") | transaction UserDisplayName MachineName startswith="AGENT_CONNECTED" endswith="AGENT_ENDED" | EVAL Duration=finishTime-startTime | Table UserDisplayName MachineName Start_Time Finish_Time Duration
I tried your suggestions with a change or two:
EVAL StartTime=if(EventType="AGENT_CONNECTED",_time,null()) | EVAL Start_Time=strftime(StartTime, "%H:%M:%S") | EVAL FinishTime=if(EventType="AGENT_ENDED",_time,null()) | EVAL Finish_Time=strftime(FinishTime, "%H:%M:%S") | transaction Start_Time Finish_TIME UserDisplayName MachineName startswith="AGENT_CONNECTED" OR "AGENT_RECONNECTED" endswith="AGENT_ENDED" | EVAL Duration=FinishTime-StartTime | Table UserDisplayName MachineName Start_Time Finish_Time Duration
I guess the duration is in seconds, but not truly usable.
Here is the output for example:
Start_Time Finish_Time Duration
13:55:40 14:09:12 812
11:20:49 13:48:58 8889
11:52:35 16:01:53 14958
11:40:48 15:17:07 12979
09:59:02 15:45:36 20794
09:42:48 14:58:08 18920
16:16:57 16:37:31 1234
11:58:54 13:45:29 6395
11:28:13 13:54:58 8805
09:10:04 15:15:16 21912
I then added this to see:
| EVAL duration=FinishTime-StartTime | EVAL Duration=strftime(duration, "%H:%M:%S") |
The below durations seem to have correct minutes and seconds, but not hours.
Start_Time Finish_Time Duration
13:55:40 14:09:12 19:13:32
11:20:49 13:48:58 21:28:09
11:52:35 16:01:53 23:09:18
11:40:48 15:17:07 22:36:19
09:59:02 15:45:36 00:46:34
09:42:48 14:58:08 00:15:20
16:16:57 16:37:31 19:20:34
11:58:54 13:45:29 20:46:35
11:28:13 13:54:58 21:26:45
09:10:04 15:15:16 01:05:12
Use this as your last eval
| eval Duration=tostring(duration,"duration")
Exactly what was needed!
Thank you!