My Query:
| tstats count where index=p___ AND error* by sourcetype,_time span=1d | eval count=tostring(count,"commas") |eval Day=strftime(_time,"%A") | eval Date=strftime(_time,"%m-%d-%Y") | stats list by sourcetype | rename list(Date) as Date list(Day) as "Day of the week" list(count) as Count | table sourcetype Date "Day of the week" Count
sourcetype Date Day of the week Count
p____db2 08-26-2017 Saturday 4,44
08-27-2017 Sunday 6,24
p____syslog 08-27-2017 Sunday 45
Expected Output
sourcetype Date Day of the week Count
p____db2 08-26-2017 Saturday 4,44
08-27-2017 Sunday 6,24
p____syslog 08-26-2017 Saturday Not Available
08-27-2017 Sunday 45
One of the nice things about timechart
is that it creates empty buckets for you ( count=0
), so let's leverage that by inserting these 2 lines:
| timechart limit=0 useother=f span=1d count by sourcetype
| untable _time sourcetype count
Like this:
| tstats count where index=p___ AND error* by sourcetype,_time span=1d
| timechart limit=0 useother=f span=1d count by sourcetype
| untable _time sourcetype count
| eval count=tostring(count,"commas")
| eval Day=strftime(_time,"%A")
| eval Date=strftime(_time,"%m-%d-%Y")
| stats list by sourcetype
| rename list(Date) as Date list(Day) as "Day of the week" list(count) as Count
| table sourcetype Date "Day of the week" Count
One of the nice things about timechart
is that it creates empty buckets for you ( count=0
), so let's leverage that by inserting these 2 lines:
| timechart limit=0 useother=f span=1d count by sourcetype
| untable _time sourcetype count
Like this:
| tstats count where index=p___ AND error* by sourcetype,_time span=1d
| timechart limit=0 useother=f span=1d count by sourcetype
| untable _time sourcetype count
| eval count=tostring(count,"commas")
| eval Day=strftime(_time,"%A")
| eval Date=strftime(_time,"%m-%d-%Y")
| stats list by sourcetype
| rename list(Date) as Date list(Day) as "Day of the week" list(count) as Count
| table sourcetype Date "Day of the week" Count
Hi senthamilselvanj,
| tstats count where index=p___ AND error* by sourcetype,_time span=1d
| timechart span=1d count AS Count by sourcetype
| untable _time sourcetype Count
| eval "Day of the week"=strftime(_time,"%A"), Date=strftime(_time,"%m-%d-%Y")
| table sourcetype Date "Day of the week" Count
Hi senthamilselvanj,
try something like this
| tstats count where index=p___ AND error* by sourcetype,_time span=1d
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count AS Count by _time sourcetype
| eval "Day of the week"=strftime(_time,"%A"), Date=strftime(_time,"%m-%d-%Y")
| table sourcetype Date "Day of the week" Count
Hi Giuseppe,
Thank you for the response. But i didn't get what i expected. Let me explain again.
We have 3 source types in an index. On one particular day i was searching the logs using the query (index=pdoa error* | stats count by sourcetype)
We have received out as below, for sourcetype1 , we have error on both sat & sun. for sourcetype2, we have error message on only Saturday.
sourcetype Date Day of the week Count
p_db2 08-26-2017 Saturday 4,44
08-27-2017 Sunday 6,24
p_syslog 08-27-2017 Saturday 45
The requirement is like, if no error message like sourcetype2 also we have to populate the details as below.
As of now we are not getting any row populating.