Hi, Splunkers,
I have some skill expression as below:
Orange > 5 & apple < 0 & ( Peach = 0 | Tomato >) & (Strawberry =7)
this skill expression covers all possible combinations.
How to develop a Regex to find any invalid string in this expression? Btw, extra space between different strings, or symbol is ok here.
for example, like here, after apple, there is double 0 with space, there is space between tomato, and there is a missing right bracket for Strawberry =7, etc.
Orange > 5 & apple < 0 0 & ( Peach = 0 | To mato >) & (Strawberry =7
thanks in advance.
Assuming a valid part of the expression is a word followed by comparison operator followed by a number interspersed by zero or more spaces
you could remove all valid expressions and ensure you don't have any words or numbers left
| makeresults
| eval expression=split("Orange > 5 & apple < 0 & ( Peach = 0 | Tomato >) & (Strawberry =7)!Orange > 5 & apple < 0 0 & ( Peach = 0 | To mato >) & (Strawberry =7!Orange > 5 & apple < 0 & ( Peach = 0 | Tomato >0) & (Strawberry =7)!Orange > 5 & apple < 00 & ( Peach = 0 | Tomato >2) & (Strawberry =7)","!")
| mvexpand expression
| fields - _time
``` the lines above set up some dummy data (two bad and two corrected) ```
| eval test=expression
| rex mode=sed field=test "s/(?<var>\w+)\s*(?<comparator>[<>=]+)\s*(?<num>\d+)//g"
| eval valid=if(match(test,"[\d\w]"),"false","true")
Assuming a valid part of the expression is a word followed by comparison operator followed by a number interspersed by zero or more spaces
you could remove all valid expressions and ensure you don't have any words or numbers left
| makeresults
| eval expression=split("Orange > 5 & apple < 0 & ( Peach = 0 | Tomato >) & (Strawberry =7)!Orange > 5 & apple < 0 0 & ( Peach = 0 | To mato >) & (Strawberry =7!Orange > 5 & apple < 0 & ( Peach = 0 | Tomato >0) & (Strawberry =7)!Orange > 5 & apple < 00 & ( Peach = 0 | Tomato >2) & (Strawberry =7)","!")
| mvexpand expression
| fields - _time
``` the lines above set up some dummy data (two bad and two corrected) ```
| eval test=expression
| rex mode=sed field=test "s/(?<var>\w+)\s*(?<comparator>[<>=]+)\s*(?<num>\d+)//g"
| eval valid=if(match(test,"[\d\w]"),"false","true")
thanks for your clarification.
Beside, I tried to filter this valid or invalid result with input droplist with 3 choice values,
name/value: ALL/*, TRUE/TRUE, FALSE/FALSE,
but when I used the following search to verify where ValidatorResult = , then i noticed, for TRUE, or FLASE, I have to use | where ValidatorResult = "TRUE", ValidatorResult = "FALSE", it works, but quote must be used, , but for *, either no quote or with quote, it doesn't work.
more important, the value sent by Token, is just TRUE, FALSE, or *, all no quote.
so, how to have this droplist ALL(*), TRUE, FALSE work with the validator result as a filter?
| rex mode=sed field=TargeValidator "s/(?<var>\w+)\s*(?<comparator>[<>=]+)\s*(?<num>0|[1-9]\d*)//g"
| eval ValidatorResult = if(match(TargeValidator,"[\d\w]"),"FALSE","TRUE")
| where ValidatorResult = "*"
thx in advance.
I am not sure I understand what you are trying to do here but if you have a dropdown would this work:
| where ValidatorResult=$dropdowntoken$
Hi, ITWhisperer,
| where ValidatorResult=$dropdowntoken$ is shown as | where ValidatorResult= TRUE in search (when I open a search from dashboard), when I select TRUE from droplist.
but there is no any event return.
if in search I changed | where ValidatorResult= TRUE to | where ValidatorResult= "TRUE", then there is return.
or let me put it this way, the value sent from token are TRUE, or FALSE,or *,
but in real search,only when I quote TRUE, FALSE, there are event return.
for all/*, both * and "*", all no event return.
Try with |s to wrap the token value in quotes
| where ValidatorResult=$dropdowntoken|s$
it's perfect for TRUE or FALSE, but when I select ALL/* (value) from droplist, there is still no return.
like I said before I did try both | where ValidatorResult=* , and where ValidatorResult="*", there is all no return.
what I expected for selecting ALL/*, it should return all events for both TRUE and FALSE.
The validator either gives true or false - this is a binary option, there is no third option. This solves your original question. What are you expecting an ALL option to do?
Right, the result is either TRUE or FALSE, but what I want to display in dashboard is not only either TRUE or FALSE, also could be both.
| where match(ValidatorResult,$dropdowntoken|s$)
Set the value for ALL to . (dot)
thank you very much , it works.
I have to admit I am a little confused about how to use boolean and string type here for TRUE or FALSE correctly.
thank you very much, ITWhisperer... your Whisper ALWAYS the best.
Btw, the 00 should also be detected as false, so, I made a little change for skill level expression.
Orange > 5 & apple < 00 & ( Peach = 0 | Tomato >2) & (Strawberry =7)
| rex mode=sed field=test "s/(?<var>\w+)\s*(?<comparator>[<>=]+)\s*(?<num>0|[1-9]\d*)//g"
thanks again.