I have been trying to create a timechart on license usage. I did try this search below..
index=_internal source=*license_usage.log* type=Usage NOT idx=sos| timechart span=1d sum(eval(round(b/1024/1024/1024,5))) by idx |eval Test=(uat1+uat2+uat3) | rename main As Prod | eval TotalLicenseConsumption=(Test+Prod) | fields - default uat1 uat2 uat3
Looking for a chart with below requirement. Any help would be appreciated.
1.to display the max license(200GB in my case) in the bar graph
2.show the individual usage line graph (might be a overlay graph on top of 1) for Test, Prod and Total license consumption.
For the overall license usage and total available, explore the REST API. I used that as the basis for a fill-gauge panel using the below search. The "Danger Zone(tm)" adjusts based on time of day.
| rest splunk_server=local /services/licenser/pools/your_pool |
fields title effective_quota used_bytes |
eval used=round(used_bytes/(1024*1024*1024),2) |
eval h=tonumber(strftime(now(),"%H"))/24 |
eval danger=round(h*effective_quota/(1024*1024*1024),0) |
eval max=round(effective_quota/(1024*1024*1024),0) |
eval base=0 |
eval gauge_top=max+(max*.01) |
gauge used base danger max gauge_top
I just ran a simplified one on one indexer -
index=_internal source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/license_usage.log"
| timechart span=1d sum(eval(round(b/1024/1024/1024,5))) by idx
The report shows mostly NULL - what can it be?
Sorry, the picture is below...
based on the picture you attached it has to show the license usage by individual indexes. run the search for more than a day as the search says span=1d
Changed it to span=1w and still I see the NULLs...
can you just try and check the fields if you can find idx as we did a timechart by idx.
index=_internal source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/license_usage.log"
I get the feeling you may be on an older version of Splunk? If so, upgrade to 6.4.0 and take a look at Settings -> Licensing -> 30 day report on your license master.
That has maximum pool size overlays, split by pool, etc.
Splunk 6.3 will do fine. I was just thrown by idx=sos, Splunk on Splunk has been superseded by the distributed management console.
To get the query, open Settings -> Licensing -> 30 Days and click the magnifying glass in the bottom left of the chart.
We're on 6.3.1, and we don't have a plan to upgrade to 6.4 shortly. Is there any way i can get a query which report maximum pool size overlays in the chart..?