I've a couple of queries -
index="main"app="student-api" "tags.studentId"=3B70E5 message="Id and pwd entered correctly" | sort _time desc
index="main" app="student-api" "tags.decision"=SOP_REQUIRED "tags.studentId"=3B70E5 | sort _time desc
I'd like to grab just the latest timestamp from both the results (and status code from one of them). However I'd like to do this reading the tags.studentId from a csv file (the fieldname is student_id and has ~100 entries). So the output should look like -
student_id| latest timestamp from 1st query| latest timestamp from 2nd query|status code from 2nd query
I installed Lookup Editor. Please let me know what next steps to follow (if there is alternative to Lookup Editor please suggest that too).
Try it like this then
index="main"app="student-api" (message="Id and pwd entered correctly" OR "tags.decision"=SOP_REQUIRED) [|inputlookup students.csv
| fields student_id
| rename student_id as "tags.studentId"]
| stats latest(eval(if(message=="Id and pwd entered correctly",_time,null()))) as first_timestamp latest(eval(if('tags.decision'=="SOP_REQUIRED",_time,null()))) as second_timestamp latest(eval(if('tags.decision'=="SOP_REQUIRED",status,null()))) as status by tags.studentId
Try something like this
index="main"app="student-api" (message="Id and pwd entered correctly" OR "tags.decision"=SOP_REQUIRED) [|inputlookup students.csv
| fields tags.studentId]
| stats latest(eval(if(message=="Id and pwd entered correctly",_time,null()))) as first_timestamp latest(eval(if('tags.decision'=="SOP_REQUIRED",_time,null()))) as second_timestamp latest(eval(if('tags.decision'=="SOP_REQUIRED",status,null()))) as status by tags.studentId
thanks - this is not yielding results - I think we've to use the student_id in csv - where are we doing that?
(I mean the csv header is student_id while the query needs tags.studentId)
Try it like this then
index="main"app="student-api" (message="Id and pwd entered correctly" OR "tags.decision"=SOP_REQUIRED) [|inputlookup students.csv
| fields student_id
| rename student_id as "tags.studentId"]
| stats latest(eval(if(message=="Id and pwd entered correctly",_time,null()))) as first_timestamp latest(eval(if('tags.decision'=="SOP_REQUIRED",_time,null()))) as second_timestamp latest(eval(if('tags.decision'=="SOP_REQUIRED",status,null()))) as status by tags.studentId
thanks - getting closer - I tried
index="main"app="student-api" (message="Id and pwd entered correctly" OR "tags.decision"=SOP_REQUIRED) [|inputlookup students.csv
| fields student_id
| rename student_id as "tags.studentId"]
| stats latest(eval(if(message=="Id and pwd entered correctly",_time,null()))) as first_timestamp latest(eval(if('tags.decision'=="SOP_REQUIRED",_time,null()))) as second_timestamp by tags.studentId
the studentId is showing up but the timestamps are empty - I ran the query separately and I see the events showing up as expected.
Also I just tried
index="main" app="student-api" tags.studentId=3B70E5 (message="Id and pwd entered correctly" OR "tags.decision"=SOP_REQUIRED) | stats latest(_time)
and the timestamp came up like 1675785328.602059
Do we need to do some conversion?
I could fix it - thanks @ITWhisperer - your solution pointed me to the right direction
HI @GhanaRusk
good for you, see next time!
Please accept one answer for the other people of Community
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉
I did - thanks
Hi @GhanaRusk,
if you want only the latest event, you can add Head 1 to your search:
index="main"app="student-api" "tags.studentId"=3B70E5 message="Id and pwd entered correctly"
| sort _time desc
| head 1
I don't understand what you mean when you say: "I'd like to do this using data from a csv file".
Anyway, you can correlate the two searches using the stats command:
index="main"app="student-api" (("tags.studentId"=3B70E5 message="Id and pwd entered correctly") OR ("tags.decision"=SOP_REQUIRED "tags.studentId"=3B70E5))
| stats
latest(eval(if(message="Id and pwd entered correctly",_time,""))) AS latest_timestamp_from_1st_query
latest(eval(if("tags.decision"=SOP_REQUIRED,_time,""))) AS latest timestamp_from_2nd_query
last(eval(if("tags.decision"=SOP_REQUIRED,status_code,""))) AS status_code
BY student_id
Thanks - I meant I've a csv with student ids that I'd like to use as input to the query
@gcusello thoughts on this one?