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How to create a line between two markers on a map?



I have a geographical map on which I have plotted a number of markers/points based on their longitude and latitude. How can I make a line between two of them?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards


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1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

If you are running Splunk 6.4 or higher, you can use the Location Tracker app, which is a supported Custom Visualization. After you install the app, you can select it in the visualization picker along with other installed visualizations.

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

If you are running Splunk 6.4 or higher, you can use the Location Tracker app, which is a supported Custom Visualization. After you install the app, you can select it in the visualization picker along with other installed visualizations.

0 Karma


Many thanks mporath!!

0 Karma


For example on the following map:

I'd like to plot a line between WA and MT.

Thanks, Michele.

0 Karma


Hi aaraneta_splunk, how can I get the question addressed to the right users or developers? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Michele.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hi @micheledagostino - Apologies for the super late response! I'm glad that your question got resolved though.

In regards to how you can get your question addressed to the right users/developers:

-It's kind of a hit-or-miss. Generally, using the appropriate tags on Answers is helpful. If you are using a Splunkbase app/add-on, make sure you tag your question with that particular app or add-on (don't use nicknames or shortcuts; it has to be the name of the app/add-on that is listed in Splunkbase). You can tell if it's an app/add-on Splunkbase because the tag will be blue in color and have a gear icon in the tag name. That's probably the best way on Answers to get a response from developers or experts of that particular app/add-on as it is encouraged that they follow that tag. Response may time may vary but generally developers are pretty good about responding to things.

-Another way to get a question addressed is to (if you're not already a part of it) post it in our public Slack chat. People ask each other for immediate help on there daily. You can share your question/link to your post there to see if anyone can take a stab at it. You first have to request access through http://splk.it/slack. Fill out the form, and once you receive the approval email from our Community Manager (usually the approval process may take a couple days), you can access Slack.com and ask for help in the #general channel OR if it is a specific Splunk product, there is usually a separate channel that you can search for.

I hope that helps!

Super Champion

have you looked at this app?



I haven't but will look at it now and get back to you if I have any questions.

Many thanks,

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