{"StatusCode":404,"ReasonPhrase":"Not Found","Method":"GET","PathAndQuery":"}
{"Message":"Completed request to Create Position Events.","}.
For the above I have three categorize like status code 200, 400 and NONE. So I want to create a graph or count on the basis of Status Code. How to do it ??
This will get you a bar graph...
your base search that gets the records you want with StatusCode and _time
| fillnull value="None" StatusCode
| stats count by StatusCode
This will get you a chart over time...
your base search that gets the records you want with StatusCode and _time
| fillnull value="None" StatusCode
| timechart count by StatusCode
This will get you a bar graph...
your base search that gets the records you want with StatusCode and _time
| fillnull value="None" StatusCode
| stats count by StatusCode
This will get you a chart over time...
your base search that gets the records you want with StatusCode and _time
| fillnull value="None" StatusCode
| timechart count by StatusCode
@DalJeanis, thanks for the update, will try the above two.
@JyotiP, are these indexed as single event or separate events?
@niketnilay, these are separate events.
Please try the following:
| rex field=_raw "{\"StatusCode\":(?<StatusCode>[^,]+),"
| stats count by StatusCode
Can you also add example for StatusCode None?
@niketnilay, thanks for the update, will try the above.