Splunk Search

How to create a drop-down to show counter information based on host?

Path Finder

Hi everyone,

Need help with my XML below. I need to create a drop-down to display certain data based on the host and counter fields.

I can't figure out how to make the drop-down display the Avg. Disk sec/Transfer and Avg. Disk Bytes/Transfer for a host when selected on the same dashboard, even though the search works properly when running as a report. My search question is how do I create the search to display the Avg. Disk sec/Transfer and Avg. Disk Bytes/Transfer for a selected host on the drop-down?

code Here:

  <label>DEMO </label>
  <fieldset submitButton="true" autoRun="true">
    <input type="dropdown" token="host" searchWhenChanged="true">
        <query>| metadata type=hosts index=* | table host</query>
    <input type="time" token="disk">
      <label>select time</label>
      <title> IOPS Latency</title>
          <query>index=perfmon counter="Avg. Disk sec/Transfer"  Host="*" collection=LogicalDisk earliest=-1m [search index=perfmon counter="*"  Host="*"   collection=LogicalDisk earliest=-1m | stats max(Value) as latency by host | sort 10 -Value | fields host ]  | eval dataValue= "avg disk sec/transfer:" + tostring(round(Value,3)*1000)  | makemv delim="," allowempty=true dataValue  | mvexpand dataValue  | eval part=split(dataValue,":")  | eval category = Host + ":" + mvindex(part,0)  | eval dataPoint = tonumber(mvindex(part,1))  | timechart span=1s latest(dataPoint) by category
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1 Solution


It seems you have'nt used the token for the host selected in your search string .

use --Host="$host$" --instead of Host="*" ,throughout both the search strings.

View solution in original post


It seems you have'nt used the token for the host selected in your search string .

use --Host="$host$" --instead of Host="*" ,throughout both the search strings.

Path Finder

Thanks jensothian. 😉

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Revered Legend

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