Splunk Search

How to create a custom alert based on past data?

New Member

can we setup an alert based on data from current time stamp & based on information on past 15mins ?

say at T1, got a log event "a=2"

say at T2, got a log event "a=3"

i would like to check if at T2, if we have a T1 in past 15mins of T2 ?

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Esteemed Legend

| makeresults
| eval a="2"
| eval _time = _time - 500
| append [| makeresults | eval a="3"]
| eval host="foo"
| rename COMMENT AS "You might need a '| reverse' here"
| streamstats count(eval(a=="3")) AS sessionID BY host
| stats count min(_time) AS _time dc(a) AS a_count range(_time) AS duration BY host
| where (a_count=="1" AND (now() - _time) > (15 * 60)) OR (a_count=="2" AND duration > (15 * 60))

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An alert is based on an output of a search. A search, unless it's a realtime search (which you shouldn't use anyway ;-)), is based on past data.

So the general answer is - yes, you can alert based on past data.

Question is how to build a search which will return proper results from your data. It will depend on your needs and your data.

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Set the time frame for the search to the past 15 minutes and see if but events are returned.

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