I have to create a complex SPL command (for me ;-))
In this command, I want to search a specific word which start by W10P02xx in a log file and with a date which is previous to month -2 (26 January for today)
I think we have to use a WHERE condition but after???
Is it possible ith SPL command?
Thanks a lot
The first part you can you where yourfield like W10P02xx%
The month part, you create a variable last_time with the function relative_time and get 2 months backwards. Then use it to filter your results with an AND
thanks tiago you are champion 😉
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Yoursearch| eval time_threshold=relative_time(now(), "-2M@d") | where yourfield like "W10P02xx%" AND _time>time_threshold
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thanks tiago but im not sure to succeed ...........
The first part you can you where yourfield like W10P02xx%
The month part, you create a variable last_time with the function relative_time and get 2 months backwards. Then use it to filter your results with an AND