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How to create a chart that shows the JSON count by fields within an object?

New Member

Each line of my log has the following json construct

{        resourceUsage: [   
         cloud:  AWS    
         count:  34 
         resource:   EC2_INSTANCE   

         cloud:  AWS    
         count:  3  
         resource:   NAT_GATEWAY    


I want create a time chart that shows sum (resourceUsage.count) by resourceUsage.resource eg. EC2_INSTANCE = 51, NAT_GATEWAY=25

My query which doesn't work looks like this timechart span=1d sum(resourceUsage{}.count) by resourceUsage{}.resource

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1 Solution


Hi @splunk_novice,

Hope this helps.

        | makeresults |eval json="{
                \"resourceUsage\":    [    
                        \"cloud\":     \"AWS\",
                        \"count\":     34,    
                        \"resource\":  \"EC2_INSTANCE\"
                        \"cloud\":     \"AWS\",
                        \"count\":     3,    
                        \"resource\":  \"NAT_GATEWAY\"
                        \"cloud\":     \"AWS\",
                        \"count\":     10,    
                        \"resource\":  \"EC2_INSTANCE\"
                        \"cloud\":     \"AWS\",
                        \"count\":     22,    
                        \"resource\":  \"NAT_GATEWAY\"
                        \"cloud\":     \"AWS\",
                        \"count\":     7,    
                        \"resource\":  \"EC2_INSTANCE\"
| spath input=json|fields - json|rename resourceUsage{}.resource  as resource,resourceUsage{}.count as count
|eval zip=mvzip(resource,count)
|fields _time,zip| mvexpand zip|eval splitted=split(zip,",")|eval resource=mvindex(splitted,0)|eval count=mvindex(splitted,1)
|table _time resource,count|timechart sum(count) by resource
What goes around comes around. If it helps, hit it with Karma 🙂

View solution in original post

<your index> |  rex field=_raw "count:(?<count>.*)" max_match=0 |  rex field=_raw "resource:(?<resource>.*)" max_match=0| eval count=trim(count)|eval resource=trim(resource) |eval fields = mvzip(count,resource) 
| mvexpand fields 
| rex field=fields "(?<count>\w+),(?<resource>\w+)" 
|timechart values(count) by resource

Try this if you are not sure about your json field, ideally @renjith.nair 's solution and spath is the correct way to go about this

0 Karma


Hi @splunk_novice,

Hope this helps.

        | makeresults |eval json="{
                \"resourceUsage\":    [    
                        \"cloud\":     \"AWS\",
                        \"count\":     34,    
                        \"resource\":  \"EC2_INSTANCE\"
                        \"cloud\":     \"AWS\",
                        \"count\":     3,    
                        \"resource\":  \"NAT_GATEWAY\"
                        \"cloud\":     \"AWS\",
                        \"count\":     10,    
                        \"resource\":  \"EC2_INSTANCE\"
                        \"cloud\":     \"AWS\",
                        \"count\":     22,    
                        \"resource\":  \"NAT_GATEWAY\"
                        \"cloud\":     \"AWS\",
                        \"count\":     7,    
                        \"resource\":  \"EC2_INSTANCE\"
| spath input=json|fields - json|rename resourceUsage{}.resource  as resource,resourceUsage{}.count as count
|eval zip=mvzip(resource,count)
|fields _time,zip| mvexpand zip|eval splitted=split(zip,",")|eval resource=mvindex(splitted,0)|eval count=mvindex(splitted,1)
|table _time resource,count|timechart sum(count) by resource
What goes around comes around. If it helps, hit it with Karma 🙂

New Member

Thanks renjith, worked like a charm.

0 Karma

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